page views
March 2003

March 31st
A small arrival of Wheatear today with 2 on Northwick Warth and another 2 at Severn Beach. A single Willow Warbler was singing on Northwick Warth. Many Chiffchaff and four Blackcap were seen today and at least 6 Buzzards were soaring in fine weather.

March 30th
Little of note again today other than 4 Shoveler and a Willow Warbler on Northwick Warth, 3 Lesser Redpoll at the Orchard Pools, 24 Wigeon off Chittening Warth and singing Chiffchaff everywhere.

March 29th
Another quiet day on Northwick Warth with Merlin, 2 Sand Martin, 2 Willow Warbler and a Stonechat. Another 2 Willow Warbler were singing at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach.

March 28th
A quieter day with a Merlin on Northwick Warth and a late Redwing at Aust Warth being the only notable birds. The escaped Glossy Starling reappeared in Severn Beach.

March 27th
New migrants included at least 4 singing Willow Warbler, 4 Blackcap and 2 Canada Geese in Severn Beach. A Merlin was seen on Northwick Warth.

March 26th
Highlights on Northwick Warth today included an early Tree Pipit and a roosting Short-eared Owl. There were 3 Wheatear, a Kingfisher and a Stonechat at New Passage. At Severn Beach there was a Lesser Redpoll and another Wheatear.

March 25th
A reasonable selection of birds today including the first Black Redstart of the year in Severn Beach. Other migrants
included 2 Stonechat at New Passage, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Blackcap and 5 Sand Martin at the Orchard
Pools. On Northwick Warth there were another 8 Sand Martin and a Merlin. A total of 6 Wheatear were seen today.

                                                                                 Black Redstart 25.3.3 © Chris Trott

March 24th
A very quiet day. The only notable birds were single Peregrine on Chittening Warth and Northwick Warth. The drake Pintail and male Blackcap were still at the Orchard Pools and Chiffchaff were “everywhere”. Four White Wagtails were in a cattle field  at Aust Warth.

March 23rd
The Water Pipit was still present in the pill at New Passage along with a single Sand Martin. On Northwick Warth; 2 Grey Plover, female Merlin and male Wheatear were seen. The Green Sandpiper, drake Pintail were still at the Orchard Pools Severn Beach along with 5 Sand Martin, male Blackcap and many Chiffchaff. At Aust Cliff a pair of Raven were seen and a late Redwing.

March 22nd
There were 4 Common Crossbills briefly in pines at New Passage. Other migrants here included single Sand Martin, White Wagtail and several  Siskins. A mobile summer plumaged Water Pipit was in Chestle pill here and another on Chittening Warth. On Northwick Warth there were 2 Merlin, many Chiffchaff and 4 Canada Geese. The drake Pintail  remained on the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach along with a Green Sandpiper. A Raven flew east over the Sea Bank Power station on Chittening Warth.

                                                                                    Water Pipit, New Passage 22.3.3

March 21st
Many hundreds of Meadow Pipits flew north east all morning along with a few Siskin, Pied Wagtail and Grey Wagtail. Ten Sand Martin were present on Northwick Warth and  Chiffchaff were everywhere. The drake Pintail remained at the Orchard Pools and the summer plumaged Water Pipit at Chittening Warth (in Stup Pill).

March 20th
The first Short-eared Owl of the year was at Chittening Warth along with 2 Little Gulls, summer plumaged Water Pipit, Green Sandpiper and a Wheatear. At Severn Beach there was a Willow Warbler, drake Pintail and Glossy Starling. Two Merlin and a Sand Martin were present on Northwick Warth.

March 19th
On Northwick Warth there was a Little Ringed Plover this morning and 3 Sand Martin there early evening. The first Swallow of the year was seen at Chittening Warth along with 2 Wheatears. Two Raven flew over Aust Warth, the drake Pintail and Glossy Starling remained in Severn Beach.

March 18th
An excellent day with the first Severnside record of Cetti’s Warbler at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach. Two Avocets were present off Chittening Warth early afternoon then later swimming off Severn Beach with Shelduck. Other birds of note were a Water Pipit in the pill at New Passage, 2 Little Owls, 3 Black-tailed Godwits on Northwick Warth, 3 Bar-tailed Godwits with the Curlew flock at Chittening Warth and the drake Pintail at the Orchard Pools. The Glossy Starling reappeared in gardens in Severn Beach

March 17th
The drake Pintail remained on the Orchard Pools. A Stonechat was at Severn Beach and more Chiffchaff were present along with an escaped Glossy Starling sp.

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                                                                            Glossy Starling, Severn Beach 17.3.3

March 16th
Single Merlin and Great Crested Grebe were seen at Northwick Warth. The drake Pintail remained at the Orchard Pools early morning. A Green Sandpiper was seen at the Sea Bank Pools, single Wheatear and Stonechat at Severn Beach. A Water Rail was calling from reeds below Aust Cliff. At least 14 Chiffchaff were present on the patch this morning.

March 15th
New migrants included a fine drake Pintail at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach and 9 Chiffchaff (4 at Aust Cliff, 2 at Northwick Warth, 2 at New Passage, 1 at Severn Beach). A Merlin was on Northwick Warth and several Reed Buntings were in song.

                                                                                    Pintail and Gadwall , Orchard Pools  15.3.3.

March 14th
A few new migrants today with 4 male Wheatear on Severn Beach and 2 Chiffchaff nearby at the Orchard Pools. Two Ravens flew west over Northwick Warth and a Stonechat was at Aust Warth. Up to 8 Buzzards were soaring in the fine weather. There were 190 Shelduck between Severn Beach and Chittening Warth with just 50 Dunlin present.

March 13th
A cold east wind produced very little. Single Stonechat on Severn Beach and Chiffchaff at the Orchard Pools. Two Peregrine were seen at Aust Warth.

March 12th
Little to report other than 5 Sand Martin heading north east over Aust Warth and 2 Merlin nearby on Northwick Warth
March 11th
The first Common Scoter (3 males, 1 female ) of the year were seen off Severn Beach along with 20 Kittiwake. At the Orchard Pools there were single Green Sandpiper, Chiffchaff with 28 Fieldfare and 2 Redwing.

March 10th
Two adult Gannet, 15 Kittiwake and a first summer plumage Mediterranean Gull were seen from Severn Beach.

March 9th
A Brent Goose and a Wheatear were seen on Northwick Warth.

                                                                                      Brent Goose, Northwick Warth 9.3.3

March 8th
A  “sea watch” from Severn Beach produced a minimum of  13 adult Gannet, 70 Kittiwakes and a Merlin. There were 2 Peregrine and a Brent Goose on Northwick Warth. At Chittening Warth there was a single Stonechat.

March 7th
Two Bar-tailed Godwit returned to Northwick Warth. At Severn Beach there were 2 Peregrine, a Green Sandpiper and at least 400 Kittiwakes in strong wind.

March  6th
The Godwits appear to have gone today. The only notable bird was a Peregrine over Severn Beach.

March 5th
Very little change in birds seen today. The Godwits were still at Northwick Warth and there were 15 Tufted Duck at the Orchard Pools.

March 4th
The mixed flock of Godwits remained on Northwick Warth along with a Merlin. The Tufted Duck numbers increased to 14 at the Orchard Pools and have been joined by a Little Grebe.

March 3rd
A Peregrine was at Aust Warth, 45 Black-tailed Godwit have returned to join the 3 Bar-tailed Godwit at Northwick Warth.

March 2nd
At Aust Warth a Merlin and 2 Raven were seen. Further south there were 3 Bar-tailed Godwit and 43 Snipe at Northwick Warth. The fine weather produced 16 soaring Buzzards between New Passage and Aust. An elusive Water Pipit was seen late afternoon in the Pill at New Passage. The Orchard pools held 12 Tufted Duck and a pair each of Gadwall and Canada Geese.

March 1st
A very wet and quiet start to the Month. At Aust Warth there were 150 Wigeon, only 3 Bar-tailed Godwit remained at Northwick Warth. A search of Chittening Warth produced just one Stonechat. A flock of 70 Kittiwakes were seen off
Severn Beach late afternoon.