A year with a respectable total of 178 species reported. Three species were recorded for the first time; Red-throated Pipit, Laughing Gull and finally long overdue Cattle Egret. There was also the second record of Bittern and Rose-coloured Starling. It was a record year for Storm Petrels, with excellent number of Pomarine Skuas and a summer plumaged Sabine’s Gull, Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull, a record flock of Greenshank, multiple spring Curlew Sandpipers and a storm blown Grey Phalarope. Other nice sightings included a Pied Flycatcher, Wood Warblers, some lingering Bearded Tits, a flock of Snow Buntings, Crossbills, Hawfinch and two separate sightings of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.
Every year there are a few surprise species that are not reported and this year they included the now massacred Ruddy Duck, Goosander, Scaup, Barnacle Goose,White-fronted Goose, Bewick’s Swan, Leach’s Petrel, Razorbill, Tree Sparrow and Firecrest. Predictions for 2013 must include some good birds dropping in on to the new Pilning Wetland reserve on Northwick Warth.
Click on the Calendar pictures below for detailed daily sightings and pictures for each month.