A year with the second highest total of 184 species reported. Two firsts for Severnside in the form of Black Kite and White Storks were flyby records. Other rarities included Glossy Ibis and Crane, Scarce raptors involved Osprey, Goshawk, 3 Red Kites, 4 Marsh Harriers and at least 3 Hen Harriers. Scarce seabirds involved just one Leach’s Petrel, Pomarine Skuas, Slavonian Grebe, Great Northern Diver, Razorbill, Guillemot and Little Auk. A good selection of wildfowl included Whooper and Bewick’s Swans, Barnacle, White-fronted, Greylag and pale bellied Brent Geese, Smew, Scaup and Garganey. A Wood Sandpiper, 3 Avocets, Spotted Redshanks and a Purple Sandpiper were the scarcer of the waders to be seen. A Wryneck was trapped and Nightingale, Woodlark, Waxwing, Black Redstarts, Ring Ouzels, Lapland Buntings, Corn Bunting, Crossbills and Hawfinch all put in appearances.
Every year there are a few surprise species that are not reported and this year they included Storm Petrel, Little Tern, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Firecrest. Predictions for 2011 must still include the first record of Cattle Egret and Spotted Crake.
Click on the Calendar pictures below for detailed daily sightings and pictures for each month.