A year with an excellent total of 184 species reported. Four species were recorded for the first time; Egyptian Goose, Great White Egret, Desert Wheatear and Green-winged Teal. There were also the second records of Nightjar and American Golden Plover and fourth record of Bearded Tit. Other notable sightings included Ring-billed Gull, multiple Pomarine Skuas, Leach’s and Storm Petrels, Great Northern and Red-throated Divers, Whooper and Bewick’s Swans, Common Cranes, Grey Phalarope and Wood Sandpiper, a record numbers of Red Kite, Ospreys, Marsh Harriers, male Hen Harrier, 2 Long-eared Owls, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Twite, Snow Bunting, Lapland Bunting and Ring Ouzel.
Every year there are a few surprise species that are not reported and this year they included Barnacle Goose and amazingly Coal Tit, Little Owl and Cuckoo. Predictions for 2014 must include some good birds dropping in on to the new Pilning Wetland reserve on Northwick Warth.
Click on the Calendar pictures below for detailed daily sightings and pictures for each month