Despite the onset of winter and the decrease in hours of daylight, October is the month with the highest number of recorded species, with a grand total of 194. Rarities have included the only records of Black-necked Grebe (1996), Montagu’s Harrier (1991), Long-billed Dowitcher (1977), Lesser Yellowlegs (1984), Red-necked Phalarope (2001), Black Guillemot (1998) and Yellow-browed Warbler (2001). Other national and local rarities recorded include Ring-billed Gull, Roseate Tern, Hooded Crow, Dartford Warbler, Hen Harrier, Ring Ouzel, Mealy Redpoll, Firecrest and Common Crossbill.
October 2009
October 31st
A grey and cloudy end to the month. Sightings from New Passage included a single flock of at least 40 Shoveler flying down river, 3 Pintail, 70 Wigeon, 170 Teal, a Little Egret, a Spotted Redshank (only the 2nd report this year), 105 Redshank, 85 Dunlin, 45 Lapwing, 4 Snipe, a Golden Plover, 50 Curlew and 20 Oystercatchers. Migrants seen here early morning includied a Siskin, numerous Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Meadow Pipits, large flocks of Wood pigeons heading east. Two each of Shoveler, Tufted Duck and Gadwall remained on the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach. A Cetti’s Warbler, 2 Stonechats, a Snipe, a Grey Wagtail, a few Redwings and a Fieldfare were reported from Chittening Warth.
October 30th
Reports from New Passage included 50 Redshank, 32 Oystercatchers, just 9 Dunlin, 5 Common Gulls, 200 Teal, 80 Wigeon, a Tufted Duck and a Peregrine. Two Shoveler, 2 Tufted Duck and 2 Gadwall were seen on the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach and 4 Stonechats were seen at Aust Warth.
October 29th
The settled weather continues. A Little Egret, 50 Redshank, 28 Lapwing, just 14 Dunlin, 5 Oystercatchers, 8 Common Gulls, 80 Wigeon, 90 Teal and a Grey Wagtail were reported from New Passage. Sightings from Chittening Warth involved a Black-tailed Godwit and 89 Redshank. Nearby there were 18 Gadwall, 24 Teal, 7 Pochard, 17 Shoveler, 23 Tufted Duck and a Grey Wagtail at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
October 28th
Reports from the New Passage area included 65 Redshank, 39 Lapwing, 10 Oystercatchers, 2 Snipe, just 6 Dunlin, 4 Common Gulls, 90 Teal, 80 Wigeon, 2 Grey Wagtails, a Rock Pipit, 30+ Redwing, 75 Chaffinch, 2 Siskin, single Redpoll and Brambling. A Water Rail was reported from the Grebe Pond on Northwick Warth. A Jack Snipe, 2 Snipe, 30 Redshank, a Lapwing, 62 Wigeon, 2 Stonechats, single Raven and Kestrel were seen at Aust Warth. Another 31 Oystercatchers, a Great Black-backed Gull, a pair of Stonechats and 2 Cetti’s Warblers were reported from Chittening Warth and a visit to the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach produced just 2 Gadwall and a Tufted Duck.
October 27th
Another mild day. Reports from New Passage involved the regular adult Mediterranean Gull (with a limp), a dark-bellied Brent Goose, a Little Egret, 80 Redshank, 33 Lapwing, 35 Dunlin, 30 Curlew, 2 Common Gulls, 100 Wigeon, 100 Teal and grounded migrants including 30 Blackbirds, 15 Song Thrush, 2 Redwings, 3 Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff . At least 100 Curlew and 42 Oystercatchers were seen at New Pill, Severn Beach and nearby a Water Rail, single Painted Lady and Red Admiral butterflies were seen at the Sea Bank Pools at Chittening Warth.
October 26th
A return to warm (16°C) and settled weather. Reports from Severn Beach included 8 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 100+ Curlew, 4 Turnstones, 2 Grey Herons, an adult Peregrine, a pair of Stonechats, single Chiffchaff and Rock Pipit. Another Stonechat was seen in the reed bed at Old Passage.The usual 100 Wigeon, 100 Teal, single Little Egret and Grey Heron, 100+ Dunlin, 30 Curlew, 73 Redshank, 3 Turnstones and 4 Snipe were seen from Northwick Warth where a late Painted Lady butterfly was also present. An adult Mediterranean Gull, 5 Mute Swans, 24 Gadwall, 18 Teal, 11 Shoveler, 7 Pochard and 14 Tufted Duck were reported at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Stonechat, Severn Beach 26.10.9
Chiffchaff, Severn Beach 26.10.9
October 25th
A windy day following a windy night produced less than hoped for or expected. The only seabird report involved an adult Kittiwake off Severn Beach where other sightings involved just 40 Turnstones and a Rock Pipit. Reports from windswept New Passage included 23 Redshank, 160 Wigeon and 60 Teal.
October 24th
A breezy day with heavy showers. Sightings from the shore at Severn Beach included 80 Turnstones, 3 Ringed Plover, just 2 Dunlin, 3 Redshank, 15 Oystercatchers, 60 Curlew, a Snipe, 2 Grey Herons, 9 Shelduck, 6 Rock Pipits, 2 Stonechats, a feeding flock of 70 Goldfinches and 2 Sparrowhawks. Reports from Chittening Warth included 63 Redshank and just 4 Dunlin. A visit to Northwick Warth produced a Little Egret, 60 Lapwing, 30 Redshank, 130 Dunlin, 20 Curlew, a Snipe, 100 Wigeon, 160 Teal and a Stonechat.
October 23rd
The only reports from New Passage involved 2 Little Egrets, 30 Dunlin, 6 Turnstones, 50 Redshank, 50 Wigeon and 100 Teal. Two Stonechats were reported at Aust Warth. Two Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, single Tufted Duck, Water Rail and Kingfisher were seen on the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach.
Eastern Crowned Warbler, South Shields, Durham 23.10.9
With such a quiet spell here on the coast, the news of the first British record of Eastern Crowned Warbler
was a welcome distraction and worth the 600 mile round trip. It showed well in the company of a
Yellow-browed Warbler either of which would make the Sycamores at Old Passage a popular location.
October 22nd
A return to a day of heavy rain showers. A Little Egret, at least 100 Redshank, 70 Dunlin, 30 Curlew, 25 Lapwings, 90 Wigeon, 100 Teal and a Siskin were seen from New Passage. Reports from the Avonmouth Sewage Works area included a Little Grebe, 3 Gadwall, 5 Teal, 2 Shoveler, 8 Pochard, 11 Tufted Duck and 2 Snipe.
October 21st
A brighter day. Sightings from Northwick Warth included 2 Little Egrets, 90 Redshank, 100 Dunlin, 8 Turnstones, 30 Curlew, 8 Oystercatchers, a Snipe, 40 Wigeon, 110 Teal, 5 Shelduck and a late Swallow.
October 20th
A grey and increasingly wet day with an east wind. Sightings from the shore at Severn Beach included 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 18 Grey Plover and 2 Ringed Plover. A thorough search of Northwick Warth produced a Green Sandpiper, 80 Dunlin, 65 Redshank, 40 Curlew, 10 Oystercatchers, 6 Turnstones, 3 Snipe, 8 Lapwing, 80 Wigeon and 130 Teal. The usual 3 Little Grebes, 5 Mute Swans, 18 Gadwall, 16 Teal, 13 Shoveler, 8 Pochard and 22 Tufted Ducks were seen at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
October 19th
A cloudy day. Sightings from New Passage/Northwick Warth involved just 3 Little Egrets, 80 Redshank, 70 Dunlin, 32 Oystercatchers, a Snipe, 20 Curlew, a Shoveler, 50 Wigeon, 140 Teal, 2 Common Gulls and 20 fly over Redwings. Reports from Severn Beach involved just a single Ringed Plover from the shore and nearby a Tufted Duck, 4 Gadwall, 2 Little Grebes, 4 Mute Swans, single Grey Heron, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Chiffchaff were seen at the Orchard Pools. A late male Whinchat and a pair of Stonechats were seen at Aust Warth.
October 18th
A cold dawn (3°C) followed by another dry and settled day. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved a Little Egret, a Pintail, 50 Wigeon, 130 Teal, 80 Redshank, 60 Dunlin, 300 Black-headed Gulls, a Common Gull and a morning migration watch produced at least 3000 Redwing and small number of Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Song Thrush. Single Raven, Kingfisher and Stonechat, 2 Kestrels and 3 Pheasants were seen at Aust Warth. The usual 5 Mute Swans, a Little Grebe, 17 Gadwall, 15 Teal, 6 Shoveler, 7 Pochard, 19 Tufted Duck and a Snipe were seen at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Raven, Aust Warth 18.10.9
October 17th
Another fine sunny day and a good variety of birds. A morning session of mist netting at Northwick Warth produced some interesting captures at the Grebe Pond including a Cetti’s Warbler (first ever seen at this site), a Kingfisher, 2 Blackcaps and 6 Reed Buntings (one of which had been ringed in the Gordano Valley). Other sightings from here included 2 Little Egrets, 250 Curlew, 70 Dunlin, 60 Redshank, 12 Lapwing, single Green Sandpiper, Knot, Golden Plover and Snipe, 90 Wigeon, at least 100 Teal, 3 Common Gulls, a Little Owl, a Sedge Warbler, a Stonechat, 200 Starlings flushed from their reed bed roost, a reasonable number of fly over migrants involving 300 Redwings, 20 Song Thrush, 15 Blackbirds, 12 Siskins, 40 Jackdaws and small parties of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Chaffinches and Greenfinches. Another 15 Redwings and a Redpoll were reported from the Sea Bank Pools at Chittening Warth.
Kingfisher, Northwick Warth 17.10.9
Cetti’s Warbler, Northwick Warth 17.10.9
October 16th
Reports from the New Passage area involved 2 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Herons, a Green Sandpiper, just 12 Dunlin, 80 Redshank, 2 Oystercatchers, a female Goldeneye, 50 Wigeon, 120 Teal, 400 Black-headed Gulls, a Common Gull, 15 Skylarks, 2 Grey Wagtails, 2 Wheatears and a Tawny Owl. Two Stonechats were reported from Aust Warth.
October 15th
A dismal grey day with periods of light drizzle. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved a grounded Ring Ouzel, at least 400 fly over Redwings, 3 Little Egrets, 60 Redshank, 35 Curlew, 30 Dunlin, 6 Snipe, a Grey Heron, 3 Shelduck, 150 Teal, 50 Wigeon, 2 Common Gulls, 50 Black-headed Gulls, a Grey Wagtail and a Kingfisher.The bird of the day was the first Firecrest of the autumn at the Sea Bank Pools at Chittening Warth.
October 14th
A glorious day and a glorious bird and I was standing in just the right location at 3.30 pm when I received a call to say a Glossy Ibis was flying from Severn Beach toward New Passage. A minute later it flew over my head! This was the First Severnside Record. The bird continued to fly up and down Northwick Warth eventually landing out of view in tall grass for a few minutes. It was mobbed by local crows and then watched flying high North East towards Aust Warth but could not be relocated. Other sightings from the New Passage area included a Little Egret, 61 Redshank, a Snipe, at least 50 Wigeon, at least 150 Teal, 2 Common Gulls, 2 Coal Tits, a Raven, an adult Peregrine, a female Sparrowhawk, a Wheatear, some flyover migrants including 40 Siskin, 7 Redpoll, flocks of Chaffinches, Goldfinches and Greenfinches,10 Redwing, single Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Reports from Severn Beach involved 3 Pintail and 5 Ringed Plover from the shore and a Kingfisher and a large Grass Snake at the Orchard Pools. Another 30 Wigeon, 30 Teal and 50 Redshank were seen at Aust Warth and 2 Cetti’s Warblers were heard at Chittening Warth.
Glossy Ibis, New Passage 14.10.9
Glossy Ibis, New Passage 14.10.9
Glossy Ibis, over Northwick Warth 14.10.9
Even at great distance the bird could be identified flying over the 2nd sentry box on Northwick Warth. It landed a few hundred
metres north of here in the tall grass for a few minutes. Hopefully the birdwatcher sat on the bank managed to see it.
October 13th
Yet another fine autumn day. A Grey Plover, a Little Egret, 30 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, 3 Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, at least 50 Wigeon, 100 Teal, a Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaffs, at least 100 Meadow Pipits and at least 80 Linnets were seen in the Northwick Warth area. Another Grey Plover, single Wheatear and Stonechat were reported from Severn Beach.
October 12th
A fine settled day. The adult Mediterranean Gull, a Little Egret, 60 Redshank, 70 Dunlin, 10 Turnstones, a Snipe, at least 100 Teal and 49 Wigeon were seen from New Passage. Nearby, a Short-eared Owl appeared over Northwick Warth at 5.45 pm and a Merlin and 2 Kestrels were also present. Sightings from Severn Beach involved just 4 Ringed Plover, 12 Shelduck and a Wheatear. Two Stonechats, another 2 Kestrels and a Kingfisher were seen at Aust Warth.
October 11th
A breezy and occasionally wet autumn day. An adult Mediterranean Gull (the regular bird with a limp), 3 Little Egrets, 20 Turnstones, 55 Redshank, 80 Dunlin, 80 Wigeon (an influx), 130 Teal, a few Swallows heading south and a total of 190 flyover Redwings were seen at New Passage. Nearby 2 Snipe, a Saprrowhawk and 150 Linnets were reported from Northwick Warth. Just 2 Ringed Plover, a Sparrowhawk and 3 Swallows were reported from Severn Beach. A Peregrine, another Sparrowhawk and 2 Stonechats were seen at Aust Warth.
Wigeon and Teal, New Passage 11.10.9
October 10th
Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included 2 Little Egrets, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, a Grey Plover, 80 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, 8 Shelduck, 28 Wigeon, 110 Teal, 120 Meadow Pipits, 20 Skylark, a Wheatear a Clouded Yellow and several Painted Lady butterflies. A brief afternoon visit to Severn Beach produced just 8 Grey Herons, an adult Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Wigeon, 2 Rock Pipits, 2 Chiffchaffs and another Clouded Yellow. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard at the Sea Bank Pools at Chittening Warth.
October 9th
Four Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Little Egrets, 70 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, 2 Oystercatchers, a Snipe, 30 Wigeon, at least 100 Teal and 4 Shelduck were reported from New Passage. A Brent Goose, 49 Turnstones, 3 Ringed Plover and and just a single Dunlin were seen at Severn Beach. A Short-eared Owl, 4 Snipe, 150 Meadow Pipits, 3 Rock Pipits, 30 Skylark, 40 Linnets and a Wheatear were reported from Northwick Warth this evening. A wet afternoon visit to Aust Warth produced just 50 Meadow Pipits and a Kestrel.
October 8th
A more settled day. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included 2 Little Egrets, 70 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, 2 Ringed Plover, 8 Lapwing, 5 Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, 4 Oystercatchers, 100 Teal, 12 Wigeon, a Wheatear, 50 Meadow Pipits and 20 Skylarks. Two Ringed Plover, 21 Turnstones and a Peregrine were seen at Severn Beach. A Cetti’s Warbler and a Blackcap were reported from Chittening Warth.
October 7th
A cool North wind and another wet day. A Little Egret, 40 Redshank and 12 Oystercatchers were the only reports from New Passage and just 14 Turnstones, single Ringed Plover and Peregrine were reported from Severn Beach. A Great Crested Grebe, a Little Grebe, 24 Gadwall, 21 Teal, 7 Shoveler, 29 Tufted Duck, 5 Mute Swans, a Cetti’s Warbler and 2 Chiffchaffs were reported from the Avonmouth Sewage Works area.
October 6th
An increasingly wet day. Reports from the New Passage area included a Little Egret, 4 Lapwing, 60 Dunlin, 30 Redshank, 12 Oystercatchers, 30 Curlew, at least 100 Teal, 30 Wigeon and 4 Shelduck. The Short-eared Owl showed at Aust Warth (from 5.30pm) where other reports included a Little Egret, 2 Buzzards, a Kestrel and a Stonechat.
October 5th
Reports from Northwick Warth included a Golden Plover, 40 Redshank, 50 Dunlin, 12 Oystercatchers, 20 Turnstones, 20 Curlew, 30 Wigeon, 3 Shelduck, 120 Teal, a Peregrine (caught a Starling), 3 Kestrels, a Little Owl, a Short-eared Owl (from 5pm), single Wheatear and Chiffchaff. An adult Mediterranean Gull and 2 Peregrines were seen from Severn Beach. Another 2 Peregrines were reported from Aust Warth.
Short-eared Owl, Northwick Warth 5.10.9
October 4th
A sunny and settled day. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included a Little Egret, a Green Sandpiper, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 70 Dunlin, 34 Redshank, 20 Turnstones, 15 Oystercatchers, 150 Curlew, 20 Wigeon, 70 Teal, a Sparrowhawk, a Blackcap, several fly over Siskins and Redpolls and a Coal Tit calling from the Glen. A Short-eared Owl was seen at Aust Warth (from 18.11) where other sightings included, 2 Kestrels, 2 Stonechats, a Kingfisher and 5 Pheasants.
October 3rd
A windy day following a windy night produced less than hoped for. A Fulmar was reported this morning and again this evening from Severn Beach where other sightings involved 60 Curlew, 4 Gadwall, 4 Ringed Plover, 25 Turnstones, 2 Common Gulls and a Sparrowhawk. A Great Skua, a Bar-tailed Godwit, a Snipe, 45 Redshank, 15 Dunlin, 100 Teal, 30 Wigeon and a Whinchat were seen from New Passage. A Short-eared Owl was reported again hunting from Aust Warth/Northwick Warth this evening.
October 2nd
A few more signs of autumn with a cool breeze and some migrants. Reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved 3 Jack Snipe (flushed from the salt marsh), 3 Snipe, a Golden Plover, 40 Redshank, 195 Curlew, 30 Oystercatchers, 15 Dunlin, 60+ Lapwing (flying north west), 120 Teal, 30 Wigeon, 2 Blackcaps, a Sedge Warbler, 3 Grey Wagtails, a Rock Pipit, flyover migrants including Siskins, Redpolls, Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Linnets, Reed Buntings, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks, Pied Wagtails and Stock Doves. Another 50 Redshank, 80 Dunlin, 40 Teal, 25 Wigeon, 2 Stonechats, a Whinchat and 20 Skylarks were seen at Aust Warth. Reports from Avonmouth Sewage Works included 5 Mute Swans, 2 Little Grebes, a Great Crested Grebe, 36 Gadwall, 14 Shoveler, 26 Tufted Duck and a Cetti’s Warbler.
Little Egret, New Passage 1.10.9
October 1st
Sightings from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area included a Little Egret, 84 Dunlin, 80 Redshank, 15 Oystercatchers, 50 Curlew, 2 Turnstones, 20 Wigeon, 120 Teal, 5 Shelduck, one Common Gull, 150 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Grey Wagtails, 2 Wheatears, a Swallow and 6 House Martins. Another 10 Redshank, 2 Kestrels, single Sparrowhawk and Peregrine were reported from Aust Warth. Just 8 Ringed Plover and 10 Turnstones were reported from the Severn Beach shore and a Kingfisher was seen nearby at the Orchard Pools.