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June is the quietest month on Severnside with a total of only 146 species seen. It is the month to do those jobs at home unless any strong West or South West winds occur. This weather can produce a good selection  of seabirds including Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Fulmar and Storm Petrel. The first parties of young Shelduck appear. June has had some rarities including Red Kite (2006), Franklin’s Gull (1988) and Alpine Swift (1999).

June 2010

June 30th
A warm end to the month. Two Little Egrets, an adult summer plumaged Mediterranean Gull, 60 Black-headed Gulls (including 3 juveniles), 2 adult Great Black-backed Gulls, 56 adult Shelduck (plus 3 parties of ducklings), 50 Mallard, 2 Redshank, 2 Common Sandpipers, 3 Curlew, 9 Oystercatchers and a Grey Heron were seen from New Passage this evening.

                                                                                     Mediterranean Gull, New Passage 30.6.10

June 29th
Some early morning light rain did not stop the day time temperature again reaching 24°C. A total of 52 Shelduck ducklings were seen along with 50 adults in the Northwick Warth area. Other sightings from New Passage included a Common Sandpiper, 2 Redshank, 18 Oystercatchers, 110 Curlew and 50 Black-headed Gulls. Two Little Egrets were seen at the Orchard Pools in Severn Beach. A Little Grebe and 4 Tufted Duck were seen on the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works.

                                                                               Shelduck, New Passage 26.6.10 © Richard Ford

June 28th
Combined sightings from New Passage involved a Lapwing, 14 Oystercatchers, 2 Redshank, 8 Curlew, 60 adult Shelduck with 35 ducklings, 65 Mallard and 65 Black-headed Gulls (including 2 juveniles). A flock of 90 Curlew flew north past Severn Beach this evening.

June 27th
The temperature peaked at 26°C today. Reports from Severn Beach this morning included a Little Egret, 5 Curlew and 60 Black-headed Gulls (one juvenile). Sightings from New Passage on the evening high tide involved 10 Common Sandpipers in Chestle Pill, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, a Redshank, 18 Oystercatchers, at least 100 Curlew, 15 adult Shelduck with 28 young, 50 Mallard and 35 Black-headed Gulls. Another 3 Common Sandpipers and a Redshank were seen in Cake Pill at Aust Warth. A Green Sandpiper was reported on the VOSA Pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

June 26th
The hottest day of the year so far (27°C). A morning high tide visit to New Passage produced 9 Curlew, 18 Oystercatchers, a Redshank, 2 Grey Herons, 80 Mallard, 30 adult Shelduck (with 2 broods of 11 and 17 ducklings) and 30 Black-headed Gulls (including the first juvenile of the year). There was plenty of evidence of breeding success on Northwick Warth with juvenile Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Pied Wagtails being seen. An evening visit to Severn Beach produced another 16 Black-headed Gulls and a Redshank.

                                                                                     Shelduck with ducklings, New Passage 26.6.10

                                                                                     Black-headed Gulls, New Passage 26.6.10
               Just “BHGs “ but a sure sign that autumn migration is starting again. The Gull flocks at this time of the year  usually produce one
               or two Mediterranean Gulls and the first should be found in the next week or so....

June 25th
The heat wave continued with even warmer weather predicted. A Little Egret, a Curlew, 4 Oystercatchers, 80 Shelduck and 40 Mallard were seen from New Passage. At least 60 Mallard, 10 Shelduck, 2 Curlew, an Oystercatcher and 24 Black-headed Gulls were seen from Severn Beach on the evening high tide.The first Coal Tit of the year was present in a Severn Beach garden.

June 24th
No reports received yet for today.

June 23rd
An evening visit to New Passage produced a Curlew, 70 Shelduck plus 11 ducklings, 40 Mallard and 2 Gadwall. Reports from the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach included 9 Reed Warblers, a Little Grebe and 2 Green Woodpeckers.

June 22nd
Yet another dry and warm day. A low tide visit to New Passage produced a Little Egret, 4 Oystercatchers and a brood of 12 Shelduck ducklings.

June 21st
No reports received yet for today.

June 20th
The dry and settled spell continues. A Little Egret, a Curlew, 12 Oystercatchers, 70 Mallard, 40 Shelduck (including 10 ducklings) and 4 Black-headed Gulls were seen from New Passage. Just 2 Oystercatchers were reported from Severn Beach.

June 19th
The only report was of a Little Grebe and chick on the VOSA/Hoar Gout Pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

June 18th
No reports received yet for today.

June 17th
Yet another warm and sunny day. Reports from Chittening Warth this morning involved a Whimbrel, 6 Curlew and 11 Oystercatchers. A brief evening visit to Northwick Warth produced the resident Mute Swans with 3 downy cygnets, 12 Shelduck, 80 Mallard and a Stock Dove.

June 16th
A dry and warm day (22°C). A Little Egret was seen at the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach this morning and a Red Kite (5th record this year) drifted north near Aust Cliff over the coast road/ Severn Bridge junction at 16.40.

June 15th
The only report received involved a calling Cetti’s Warbler near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

June 14th
A very quiet day following an interesting start when the first Fulmar of the year flew inland over my house in Severn Beach at 06.25. Not the first record for my garden list but unusual because the wind was from the north east. Five Linnets were reported below Aust Cliff. An evening visit to New Passage produced just 45 Shelduck, 60 Mallard, 12 Oystercatchers and a Black-headed Gull.

June 13th
A dry morning, turning wet and breezy by late afternoon. Severn Beach produced 5 Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin. The only other reports were from Chittening Warth where a Little Grebe, 2 Gadwall, a Coot brood, 5 Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge Warbler were seen.

June 12th
Just 4 Ringed Plover, a Dunlin and 3 Oystercatchers were reported from the shore at Severn Beach and nearby a Little Egret was seen at the Orchard Pools. Seventeen Oystercatchers were seen from New Passage.

June 11th
A warm (21°C) and sunny day. A Little Egret, 2 Grey Herons, 4 Canada Geese, 40 Shelduck (including a fresh brood of 5 ducklings), 60 Mallard, 5 Oystercatchers and a Raven were seen from New Passage this evening. Just 4 Ringed Plover and 4 Dunlin were seen at Seven Beach.

June 10th
A grey and cloudy day with a moderate strength cool north east wind. The 4 Canada Geese, 46 Shelduck, 60 Mallard and a Raven were seen from New Passage. Just 3 Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin were reported from Severn Beach on the evening high tide.

June 9th
A Little Egret, 7 Oystercatchers, 2 Grey Herons, 24 Shelduck, 70 Mallard, 4 Canada Geese and a Black-headed Gull were seen from New Passage and 2 Ringed Plover, 10 Dunlin, a pair of hunting Peregrines and a female Sparrowhawk were seen from the shore at Severn Beach. A Painted Lady butterfly was feeding in a Severn Beach garden.

June 8th
The only report was of 9 Ringed Plover and 10 Dunlin at Severn Beach.

June 7th
A brief visit to Severn Beach over the high tide produced a Whimbrel, a Sanderling, 8 Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin and 2 Oystercatchers.

June 6th
A cooler and breezy day. The only report was of 2 Oystercatchers and 8 Shelduck at Severn Beach.

June 5th
The only reports involved a Sanderling, 11 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover and 6 Oystercatchers at Severn Beach and a Raven at Chittening Warth.

June 4th
An even hotter day (26°C). A Cuckoo was heard calling for several minutes in Severn Beach early this morning and just 3 Ringed Plover and 4 Dunlin were seen here  over the high tide. The usual 12 Oystercatchers and 22 Shelduck were joined by an adult and 2 juvenile Grey Heron at New Passage.

June 3rd
Another warm day with little to report. Just 4 Ringed Plover and 7 Dunlin were seen at Severn Beach and 12 Oystercatchers and 20 Shelduck from New Passage.

June 2nd
A pleasant, sunny and dry day. A Little Egret, 4 Oystercatchers, 7 Ringed Plover and 28 Dunlin were reported from Severn Beach. Another 12 Oystercatchers, 20 Shelduck and 4 Canada Geese were seen from New Passage.

June 1st
A brief evening visit to New Passage produced just 2 Canada Geese, at least 80 Mallard, 40 Shelduck and 20 Oystercatchers.