February is generally another quiet month with only a total of 155 species recorded. Gales in this month have produced Storm and Leach’s Petrel, Pomarine Skua and all four records of Puffin. Other rarities seen include Spoonbill (2004), Bittern (2011&2012), Avocets, Ring-billed Gull (1987), Great Grey Shrike (1999,2000,2004), Shorelark (2004) and Cirl Bunting (1943).
February 2013
February 28th
The 2 Twite and 2 Ravens were seen at Aust Warth today. A Peregrine was seen at Severn Beach this morning.
February 27th
The Barn Owl showed very well at Aust Warth early morning and late afternoon and the 2 Twite were still present. Three Shoveler, 13 Canada Geese and 90 Lapwing were reported on the Pilning Wetland at Northwick Warth. A Chiffchaff was present in a Severn Beach garden.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 27.2.13 © Rod Holbrook
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 27.2.13 © Rod Holbrook
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 27.2.13 © Vic Savery
February 26th
At least 350 Wigeon, 20 Shelduck, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 22 Lapwing, 8 Turnstones, 26 Curlew, 25 Redshank and 70 Dunlin were seen from New Passage. Reports from Aust Warth involved 2 Jack Snipe, 4 Snipe, the 2 Twite and a Short-eared Owl late afternoon. The Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works produced 12 Gadwall, 28 Teal, 12 Shoveler, 20 Tufted Duck, 7 Mallard, 14 Coot and 20+ Snipe.
February 25th
The only reports received involved a Red Kite (drifting north at 12.15), the 2 Twite, a Barn Owl and a Stonechat at Aust Warth.
February 24th
Much the same today with 2 Twite, a Barn Owl and male Stonechat at Aust Warth. A Water Rail, 2 Jack Snipe and 10 Snipe were reported at Aust Warth. The usual 12 Canada Geese, 4 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, 46 Lapwing, 50 Dunlin and 50 Curlew were seen on the Pilning Wetland at Northwick Warth. At least 16 Shoveler were seen on the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 24.2.13 © Ian White
Twite, Aust Warth 24.2.13 © Mark Dowie
Twite, Aust Warth 24.2.13 © Mark Dowie
February 23rd
The Barn Owl, 2 Twite, 450 Wigeon and 30 Dunlin were seen at Aust Warth on another day where temperatures struggled to rise much above zero. Reports from the Northwick Warth involved 11 Tufted Duck, 4 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, 32 Shelduck, 12 Canada Geese, 6 Coot, 270 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, 45 Lapwing, 40 Oystercatchers and 2 Ravens.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 23.2.13 © Vic Savery
February 22nd
The bitterly cold east wind continued all day. The Barn Owl, 2 Twite single Short-eared Owl (at dusk), Peregrine and Jack Snipe were reported at Aust Warth. Just 12 Canada Geese and 4 Shoveler were reported from a windswept Northwick Warth. A late afternoon high tide visit to the Severn Beach shore produced 9 Snipe, 40 Redshank, 120 Curlew, 40 Dunlin, 9 Gadwall, 62 Shelduck, 40 Wigeon, 30 Mallard and 4 Rock Pipits.
February 21st
Another day when day time temperatures struggled to rise in a cold east wind. The two Twite and a male Stonechat remained at Aust Warth. Just 9 Canada Geese, 40 Lapwing, 80 Curlew and 30 Dunlin were reported from a windswept New Passage. A pair of Peregrines were seen at Chittening Warth. Two female Blackcaps were seen in gardens at Severn Beach.
Twite, Aust Warth 21.2.13 © Gary Thoburn
Blackcap, Severn Beach 21.2.13 © Mike Pruett
February 20th
Two Twite, 2 Short-eared Owls, single Barn Owl and Peregrine were seen at Aust Warth today. The only reports from New Passage involved 11 Canada Geese, 180+ Wigeon, a drake Shoveler and 41 Turnstones. A Water Rail, 3 Jack Snipe, 14 Snipe and 2 Rock Pipits were reported at Chittening Warth.
Short-eared Owl, Aust Warth 20.2.13 © Katie Horrocks
Short-eared Owl, Aust Warth 20.2.13 © Katie Horrocks
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 20.2.13 © Katie Horrocks
Short-eared Owl, Aust Warth 20.2.13 © Darren Maud
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 20.2.13 © Richard Bowerman
February 19th
Sightings from New Passage included a Little Egret, 35 Turnstones, 50 Redshank, 110 Curlew, 40 Lapwing, 40 Dunlin, 9 Canada Geese, 80 Wigeon, 70 Teal, 20 Shelduck and a Raven. Another 60 Shelduck and 10 Ringed Plover were seen at Severn Beach. Two Twite, single Stonechat, Jack Snipe, Barn Owl and Short-eared Owl were reported at Aust Warth today. At least 8 Gadwall, 16 Teal, 2 Pochard and 9 Tufted Duck were seen on the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Twite, Aust Warth 19.2.13 © Allan Chard
Twite, Aust Warth 19.2.13 © Gary Thoburn
Stonechat, Aust Warth 19.2.13 © Allan Chard
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 19.2.13 © Vic Savery
February 18th
Another frosty dawn. The only reports from the New Passage area involved 4 Canada Geese, 100 Wigeon, 50 Teal, 2 Tufted Duck, 400 Dunlin, 55 Curlew, 17 Redshank and 35 Meadow Pipits. Two Twite were found late afternoon at the Old Passage (north end) of Aust Warth being seen feeding on the seaward side of a small reed bed and perching up in the Barn conversion’s garden hedge. A Stonechat was also reported here.
February 17th
A return to winter with a frosty start and a cold east wind. Reports from New Passage and the Pilning Wetland included a Knot, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 80+ Turnstones, 180 Curlew, 112 Lapwing, 40 Redshank, 1000 Dunlin (280 on the wetland), 150 Black-headed Gulls, a Little Egret, 35 Shelduck, 150 Wigeon and 90 Teal. Another 30 Shelduck and 13 Gadwall were seen from the shore at Severn Beach and a Woodcock flew inland across the coast road at dusk. A Barn Owl and a Short-eared Owl were seen again at Aust Warth this morning.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 17.2.13 © Gary Thoburn
February 16th
A foggy start to the day followed by sunshine. A Barn Owl and a Short-eared Owl were seen at Aust Warth this morning. Sightings from Northwick Warth included 2 Little Egrets, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 12 Snipe, 70 Lapwing, 230 Curlew (180 on Pilning Wetland), 4 Coot, a Little Grebe, 3 Canada Geese, 4 Tufted Duck, 5 Shoveler, 30 Shelduck. 200 Wigeon and 110 Teal.
Barn Owl and Short-eared Owl, Aust Warth 16.2.13 © @CL_Designz
February 15th
Another sunny day. The only reports were from Aust Warth where the Barn Owl showed all morning, a female Merlin was seen and 3 Short-eared Owls showed at 5.35pm.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 15.2.13 © Richard Bowerman
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 15.2.13 © Rod Holbrook
February 14th
A fine sunny day. A visit to Northwick Warth produced a Bar-tailed Godwit, 120 Curlew, 90 Lapwing, 80 Redshank, 20 Turnstones, 400 Dunlin, 36 Oystercatchers, a Snipe, 2 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler, 6 Tufted Duck, 43 Shelduck, 2 Canada Geese, 330 Wigeon, 145 Teal, 2 Ravens, 40 Meadow Pipits and a male Peregrine. At least 30 Shelduck, a pair of Gadwall, 5 Rock Pipits and a Snipe were seen at Severn Beach. Two Barn Owls were seen at Aust Warth today including one for an hour early morning.
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 14.2.13
Barn Owl, Aust Warth 14.2.13
February 13th
A cold day with occasional snow flurries. Reports from the Northwick Warth area included 5 Canada Geese, 4 Gadwall, 5 Tufted Duck, 9 Ringed Plover, 90 Lapwing, 500 Dunlin, 4 Snipe, 140 Curlew, 35 Redshank, 35 Turnstones, 30 Fieldfare, 75 Redwing and 35 Meadow Pipits. Another 9 Tufted Duck and 4 Gadwall were seen in the Orchard Pools at Severn Beach. At least 33 Shelduck, 27 Redshank and 9 Oystercatchers were seen at Chittening Warth and the Barn Owl showed again at Aust Warth at 4pm.
February 12th
Once again the only report was of a Barn Owl hunting at Aust Warth this afternoon.
February 11th
The only reports received were of a Raven and 2 hunting Barn Owls (first bird appeared at 4.30pm) at Aust Warth.
February 10th
A grey and very wet day. A good selection of birds were seen on the Pilning Wetland at Northwick Warth including single Little Egret and Bar-tailed Godwit, 140 Curlew, 52 Lapwing, 40 Redshank, 40 Dunlin, a drake Pintail, 5 Shoveler, 4 Gadwall, 32 Teal, 3 Canada Geese, 5 Moorhens, single Coot and Little Grebe. Other sightings on the Shore here involved 35 Oystercatchers, another 70 Curlew, 40 Redshank, 200 Dunlin, 300+ Wigeon and 48 Shelduck.
February 9th
Combined reports from the New Passage/Northwick Warth area involved a Red Kite drifting south west, a 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull up river, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 8 Mute Swans, 4 Shoveler, 172 Teal, 230 Wigeon, 38 Shelduck, 3 Coot, a Little Grebe, 70 Redshank, 250 Dunlin, 64 Lapwing, 80 Curlew, 10 Snipe, 3 Great Black-backed Gulls, 55 Redwing,10 Fieldfare and a Rock Pipit. The Red Kite was seen again from the sea wall at Severn Beach being mobbed by a Raven. Other shoreline sightings involved Ringed Plover, 2 Snipe and a Rock Pipit and 4 Tufted Duck and 2 Gadwall remained on the Orchard Pools. A flock of 70 feeding Redwing were seen at Aust Warth this morning and a Barn Owl reappeared late afternoon and 2 Short-eared Owls eventually showed just as it got dark. At least 14 Gadwall, 22 Teal, 2 Shoveler and 2 Tufted Duck were seen on the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Red Kite, Northwick Warth 9.2.13 © John Martin
February 8th
The only reports were from Severn Beach involving 8 Tufted Ducks, a Little Grebe and a Water Rail at the Orchard Pools and the usual 30 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall and 40 Turnstones from the beach.
February 7th
A Bar-tailed Godwit, 110 Dunlin, 290 Wigeon, 5 Gadwall and 7 Shoveler were reported from New Passage. Reports from Chittening Warth involved 63 Oystercatchers and 26 Snipe. A Barn Owl was seen again at Aust Warth at 4.15pm.
February 6th
A cold day made even colder by a biting north west wind. A brief afternoon visit to New Passage produced just 60 Redshank, 190 Curlew and 35 Shelduck.
February 5th
Just 5 Ringed Plover, 38 Turnstones and 27 Curlew but no seabirds were reported from the shore at Severn Beach despite strong west winds. Nine Gadwall and 8 Tufted Duck were seen nearby at the Orchard Pools. An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works and a Short-eared Owl was seen flying inland from Aust Warth at 5.30pm.
February 4th
The only report received was of 2 hunting Peregrines at Aust Warth this morning.
February 3rd
Combined reports from New Passage/Northwick Warth included 48 Shelduck, 4 Shoveler, 350+ Dunlin, 70+ Lapwing, 90 Curlew, 60 Redshank, 18 Oystercatchers, the usual Wigeon and Teal flocks and a Peregrine.
February 2nd
A nice sunny and dry day at long last. Five Ravens flew north over Severn Beach this morning. A visit to New Passage produced a Bar-tailed Godwit. 90 Curlew, 40 Lapwing, 250 Dunlin, 35 Oystercatchers, 45 Shelduck, 10 Shoveler, 2 Tufted Duck and a Peregrine. Sightings at Chittening Warth included 2 Jack Snipe, 31 Snipe, 48 Redshank, a Water Rail, 45 Teal, 28 Shelduck, 18 Gadwall and a Siskin. Two Barn Owls showed very well, hunting successfully at Aust Warth late afternoon. Another 9 Gadwall, 48 Teal, 14 Shoveler and 18 Tufted Duck were seen on the Square Pool at Avonmouth Sewage Works.
Siskin video still, Sea Bank Pools 2.2.13
February 1st
The only reports received today were of 2 Stonechats at the Tesco Pool in Severn Beach and a Barn Owl at dusk on Aust Warth.