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July is the quietest month on Severnside with only 149 species having been recorded. It does have a more optimistic feeling to it than June, with the appearance of returning waders and in recent years the regular appearance of Mediterranean Gulls. Unusual species seen have included dispersing Crossbill, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Goshawk and a Stone Curlew (1999). A spell of strong SW or W wind usually produces a few Storm Petrels and Manx Shearwaters.

July 2015

31st July
Combined reports from New Passage/Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth involved single Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Whimbrel and Little Egret, 2 Common Sandpipers, 55 Curlew, 20+ Oystercatchers, 25 Dunlin, 20+ Turnstones, 60+ Redshank, 4 Lapwing, 111 Canada Geese, 5 Grey Herons, a “Commic” Tern, single Tree Pipit and Wheatear. A Whimbrel and 3 Common Sandpipers were reported at Aust Warth.

30th July
A morning visit to New Passage/Pilning Wetland produced single juvenile Little Ringed Plover, Whimbrel, Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper, 105 Redshank, 32 Dunlin, 4 Turnstones, 8 Lapwing, 29 Curlew, 31 Oystercatchers, 106 Canada Geese and a Swift. A Bar-tailed Godwit and Redstart were present at Severn Beach this morning.

29th July
Combined reports from New Passage/Pilning Wetland involved a Little Egret, 70 Redshank, 12 Turnstones, single Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper, 8 Lapwing, 106 Canada Geese, a female Tufted Duck with 6 ducklings, 15 Shelduck, 3 Little Grebes, 20+ Pied Wagtails, 4 Grey Wagtails, a Yellow Wagtail, 2 Kestrels, 10 Linnets, 2 Wheatears and a Kingfisher.

28th July
Another breezy day produced 2 Arctic Skuas at Severn Beach this afternoon. The only reports from Pilning Wetland/New Passage were of 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper and 106 Canada Geese.

27th July
A windy afternoon/evening sea watch from Severn Beach produced single pale morph Pomarine Skua, Great Skua, Manx Shearwater and Fulmar where other sightings included a Little Egret, 25 Dunlin and 30 Turnstones. Reports from New Passage/Pilning Wetland included 3 Little Ringed Plovers, 18 Redshank, a Whimbrel, 23 Dunlin, 5 Oystercatchers, 100 Canada Geese, 4 Little Grebes and 500 Black-headed Gulls.

26th July
A return to very wet and increasingly windy weather. The only reports from New Passage/Pilning Wetland involved a Little Egret, 15 Dunlin, 6 Turnstones, a Common Sandpiper, 55 Redshank, 14 Lapwing, 45+ Canada Geese and 10 Sand Martins.

                                                                                       Common Sandpiper, Pilning Wetland 26.7.15

25th July
A dry and sunny day. A Greenshank was present at Severn Beach at 08.00 this morning. A late morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced 2 moulting adult Mediterranean Gulls, 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a Snipe, 17 Lapwing, 28 Redshank, a Little Egret, 4 Grey Herons, 73 Canada Geese, a Kingfisher and a Yellow Wagtail.

24th July
A cool day with continuous rain. Sightings from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth involved at least 6 Little Ringed Plovers, single Black-tailed Godwit, Snipe, Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper, 22 Dunlin, 12 Redshank, 14 Lapwing, 62 Canada Geese, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, 5 Sand Martins, a Yellow Wagtail and the first Wheatear of the autumn.

                                                                                  Black-tailed Godwit, Pilning Wetland 24.7.15

23rd July
A Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpipers, 36 Dunlin, 30 Redshank, 48 Curlew, 16 Lapwing, 10 Oystercatchers, 3 Little Egrets, 58 Canada Geese, a Teal, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, 15 Shelduck ducklings, 2 adult Little Grebes plus 2 chicks, 350+ Black-headed Gulls, 3 Yellow Wagtails and a Kingfisher were reported from the Northwick Warth/Pilning Wetland area. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 6 Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin were reported at Aust Warth and a Whimbrel was present at Severn Beach.

22nd July
Combined reports from Pilning Wetland/New Passage involved a moulting adult Mediterranean Gull, 5 Ruff, 3 Little Ringed Plovers, 22 Redshank, 74 Dunlin, 50 Curlew, 16 Lapwing, 25 Oystercatchers, single Knot, Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Little Egret and Common Sandpiper, 36 Canada Geese, a Teal, 350+ Black-headed Gulls, an unidentified Tern, a Hobby and 2 Swifts.

21st July
At least 6 Little Ringed Plovers, 4 Common Sandpipers, 51 Dunlin, 38 Redshank, 16 Lapwing, a Little Egret, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, a Teal, 2 adult Little Grebes plus 2 chicks, 24 Canada Geese, 2 Ravens, single Hobby, Peregrine and Kestrel were seen in the New Passage/Pilning Wetland area. A Little Egret and 3 Common Sandpipers were seen at Aust Warth.

20th July
A moulting adult Mediterranean Gull, 7 Little Ringed Plovers, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 24 Dunlin, 19 Lapwing, 10 Redshank, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings (now on 1st sentry box pool), 10 Canada Geese and a Kingfisher were seen in the New Passage/Pilning Wetland area. Seven Common Sandpipers were seen at Aust Warth. A Hobby flew south over Severn Beach this morning.

19th July
Four different Mediterranean Gulls (2 juveniles & 2 adults), 400+ Black-headed Gulls, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 37 Dunlin, 120 Curlew, 12 Lapwing, 10 Redshank, single Sanderling, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper and Whimbrel, 10 Canada Geese, 3 Teal, 3 Sand Martins and a Lesser Whitethroat were reported from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth. Two Barn Owls were reported at Aust Warth this evening. Another adult Black-headed Gull was seen this evening on Pilning Wetland bearing a Yellow plastic ring on the left leg with Black alphanumeric code 2DFJ. Ringing update 3.8.15: The bird was ringed EY45518 BY North Thames Gull group 22.2.14 at Rainham Tip, Greater London.

18th July
Combined sightings at Pilning/Northwick Warth involved a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 5 Little Ringed Plovers, a Greenshank, 3 Whimbrel, 65 Curlew, 12 Lapwing, 10 Dunlin, 18 Redshank, single Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, 2 Little Grebe chicks, a Peregrine, 2 Ravens, 2 Yellow Wagtails and 80 Linnets. A Ringed Plover was seen at Severn Beach.

17th July
A brief afternoon visit to Pilning Wetland produced an adult Mediterranean Gull that dropped in for a quick wash and shake, a Greenshank, 2 juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, 9 adult Black-tailed Godwits, 19 Lapwing and the first Shoveler of the autumn.

                                                                            adult Mediterranean Gull, Pilning Wetland 17.7.15

16th July
Combined reports from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth involved 2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 1st summer), a Greenshank, 6 Little Ringed Plovers (4 juveniles, 2 adults), 2 Dunlin, a juvenile Ringed Plover, 10 Lapwing, 5 Redshank, 44 Curlew, single Common Sandpiper and Little Egret, 4 adult Tufted Duck and 6 ducklings, 2 adult Little Grebes and 2 chicks, a Water Rail and a Raven. Seven Common Sandpipers and a Barn Owl were reported at Aust Warth.

                                                                                       Greenshank, Pilning Wetland 16.7.15

15th July
Another day and another Mediterranean Gull, this time a juvenile with the roosting Black-headed Gulls on Pilning Wetland this afternoon, then later hawking insects this evening. Other sightings here included 4 Little Ringed Plovers (2 adults), 5 Black-tailed Godwits, a Green Sandpiper, 4 Dunlin, 16 Lapwing, 13 Redshank, 2 Snipe, a Little Egret, 4 adult Tufted Ducks with 6 ducklings, 5 Teal,  2 Little Grebes with 2 chicks, a Hobby catching Dragonflies. An adult Black-headed Gull was seen this evening bearing a Yellow plastic ring on the left leg with Black alphanumeric code 2DSN.
Update 17.7.15; the gull was ringed EY45642 by North Thames Gull Group at Pitsea landfill site, Essex on 8.3.14.

                                                      juvenile Mediterranean Gull with Black-headed Gulls, Pilning Wetland 15.7.15

14th July
Sightings from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth/New Passage involved a 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull, 350 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Little Ringed Plovers (4 adults & 2 juveniles on the new small scrape next to the building), 45 Black-tailed Godwits, 28 Lapwing, 23 Redshank, 20 Curlew, 12 Oystercatchers, 2 Common Sandpipers, single Green Sandpiper, Dunlin and Whimbrel, 2 Tufted Duck plus 4 ducklings, a Canada Goose and a Little Grebe. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard at the Orchard Pools in Severn Beach.

                                                                            2nd summer Mediterranean Gull, Pilning Wetland 14.7.15

13th July
A breezy day with rain showers and drizzle. A Green Sandpiper, 3 Little Ringed Plovers (2 adults), 5 Black-tailed Godwits, an influx of 17 Redshank, 14 Lapwing, single Common Sandpiper and Dunlin, 17 Curlew and 8 Oystercatchers were seen at Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth. A fresh juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 7 Curlew and 2 Oystercatchers were seen at Severn Beach this evening.

                                                                                     Green Sandpiper, Pilning Wetland 13.7.15

12th July
Once again the Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth/New Passage area was the centre of attention with 4 Little Ringed Plovers (3 adults), 7 Black-tailed Godwits, a Green Sandpiper, 12 Dunlin, 24 Lapwing, 8 Redshank, 3 Common Sandpipers, single Curlew and Little Egret, 180+ Black-headed Gulls, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, 4 Green Woodpeckers, 4 flyover Siskins, 20 Swifts, single Yellow Wagtail and Raven.

                                                                               Little Ringed Plover, Pilning Wetland 12.7.15

11th July
An adult Mediterranean Gull, 3 Little Ringed Plovers, 12 Black-tailed Godwits, 14 Lapwing, 13 Dunlin, single Common Sandpiper, Redshank and Little Egret, 9 Meadow Pipits, a Yellow Wagtail, 2 Sand Martins and 25 Swifts were seen at Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth.

                                                                              Black-tailed Godwits, Pilning Wetland 11.7.15
              A new colour ringed individual (Red ring above Blue ring left leg, Yellow ring above Green flag right leg) was seen today.

UPDATE 11.8.15 : Fascinating results received from the wader ringing group in Portugal; The bird was ringed as an adult male
on 11.11.11 Corroios Mill Pond, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por with subsequent sightings on/at
23.02.12 Corroios Mill, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
15.04.12 Cliffe Pools, Thames Estuary, Kent, E Eng
29.08.12 R.N.du Marais d'Yves, Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
06.09.12 R.N.du Marais d'Yves, Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
19.09.12 R.N.du Marais d'Yves, Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
26.09.12 R.N.du Marais d'Yves, Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
21.09.12 Le Marouillet, Marais d'Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
28.09.12 R.N.du Marais d'Yves, Yves, Charente Maritime, W Fra
04.11.12 Seixal Tank, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
12.11.12 Seixal Tank, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
13.11.12 Barreiro, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
19.02.13 Corroios, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
21.02.13 Corroios, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
23.03.13 Corroios, Tagus Estuary, Setúbal, W Por
07.04.13 Zuidlaardermeer, Onnerpolder, Friesland, N Neth
11.07.15 Pilning Wetland, Northwick Warth, Gloucestershire, SW Eng

10th July
Sightings from the Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth area involved 3 Little Ringed Plovers (2 adults & a juvenile), a Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Dunlin, 20 Lapwing, 5 Curlew, 4 Common Sandpipers, 2 Redshank, a Snipe, 2 Little Egrets, 250+ Black-headed Gulls, 4 adult Tufted Duck plus 6 ducklings, 12 Shelduck ducklings, 3 Sand Martins, 15 Swift,  2 Stock Doves and a Barn Owl (hunting near Grebe Pond at 22.05).

9th July
A Little Egret, a Black-tailed Godwit, 22 Lapwing, 5 Dunlin, 12 Redshank, a Yellow Wagtail and a Siskin were seen in the Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth area. Another 5 Siskins were seen in a Severn Beach garden.

8th July
A morning visit to Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth produced 14 Black-tailed Godwits (including one colour ringed individual), 2 Common Sandpipers, 11 Lapwing, 3 Redshank, a Little Egret, 240+ Black-headed Gulls, 5 Tufted Duck ducklings, 2 Shelduck broods of 7 & 5 ducklings and a single Sand Martin. Three Siskins were present in a Severn Beach garden. A Barn Owl was seen at Aust Warth this evening.

7th July
At least 8 Common Sandpipers were seen this evening at New Passage. Combined reports from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth involved 5 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 230+ Black-headed Gulls, 7 Shelduck ducklings, 6 Tufted Duck ducklings, a pair of Little Grebes with a chick and 25 Swifts.

6th July
Sightings from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth involved 3 Little Egrets, 2 Common Sandpipers, 20 Lapwing, 5 Redshank, 30 Curlew, 9 Oystercatchers, 8 adult Tufted Duck and 7 ducklings, 250+ Black-headed Gulls, 2 Sand Martins and 15 Swifts. Ringing update; A female Cetti’s Warbler trapped in the Grebe Pond reed bed/Pilning Wetland on 27.9.14 and ringed (Y410081) has since been retrapped at Chew Valley Lake on 14.6.15 and 27.6.15

5th July
An adult Mediterranean Gull, a Little Ringed Plover, 22 Oystercatchers, 23 Lapwing, 38 Curlew, 4 Redshank, 2 Little Egrets, 5 Grey Herons, 8 Shelduck plus 7 ducklings, 5 Tufted Duck plus 7 young ducklings, 250+ Black-headed Gulls, a Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Little Grebes plus chick and at least 50 Swifts were seen in the Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth area. A Common Sandpiper and a Whinchat were reported at Aust Warth.

                                                           Mediterranean Gull and Black-headed Gulls, Pilning Wetland 5.7.15

4th July
A brief morning visit to Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth produced 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 4 Redshank, 6 Lapwing, 50 Curlew and 200+ Black-headed Gulls.

3rd July
Sightings from Pilning Wetland/Northwick Warth included a 1st summer Mediterranean Gull, 110+ Black-headed Gulls, 9 Lapwing, 4 Redshank, 10 Curlew, an Oystercatcher, a Little Egret, 4 Grey Heron, 5 Tufted Duck, 7 Shelduck ducklings, 2 Ravens and a Yellow Wagtail around the Cattle.

2nd July
A cooler day with some heavy rain showers. An adult Mediterranean Gull, 160+ Black-headed Gulls, a Whimbrel, 16 Curlew, 6 Redshank, single Little Egret and Lapwing, 2 Gadwall, a Teal, 3 Ravens, a flyover Yellow Wagtail and a Hobby were seen at Northwick Warth.

1st July
A hot and humid day with the temperature passing 31°C. Combined reports from New Passage/Pilning Wetland involved 8 Lapwing, 14 Curlew, a Redshank, 2 Oystercatchers, 45 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Tufted Duck, 2 Gadwall, 2 Little Grebes and 4 Ravens.