July is one of the quietest months on Severnside with only 164 species having been recorded. It does have a more optimistic feeling to it than June, with the appearance of returning waders and in recent years the regular appearance of Mediterranean Gulls. Unusual species seen have included Cory’s Shearwater (2023), Glossy Ibis (2019), Cattle Egret (2017, 2020), Great White Egrets (2018, 2019, 2022, 2023), Spoonbill (2022), Temminck’s Stint (2017), Black-winged Stilt (2021), dispersing Crossbill, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Goshawk and a Stone Curlew (1999). A spell of strong SW or W wind usually produces a few Storm Petrels and Manx Shearwaters.
July 2023
31st July
A wet morning and still breezy. Another quiet day. A Manx Shearwater was seen again on the evening high tide at Severn Beach. Just 90 Redshank, 2 Dunlin, 3 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 45 Canada Geese and 7 Mute Swans were seen at Pilning Wetland. Two Black-tailed Godwits, 12 Turnstones, 3 Dunlin, 90 Redshank, a Curlew and 50+ Shelduck were seen from New Passage.
30th July
A wet day with a gusty West wind. Combined reports from the morning and afternoon high tides at Severn Beach included single Storm Petrel, Manx Shearwater and Ringed Plover, 20 Curlew, 30 Oystercatchers, 10 Dunlin, single Little Egret and Grey Heron, 9 Shelduck and 2 Canada Geese. A visit to Pilning Wetland produced just a single Little Ringed Plover, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, 4 Gadwall and 5 Swifts.
Manx Shearwater, Severn Beach 30.7.23
Manx Shearwater, Severn Beach 30.7.23
29th July
A breezy day with sunshine and some showers. A quiet day. A brief visit to Pilning Wetland produced 6 Little Ringed Plovers, 21 Lapwing, a single Redshank and 4 Gadwall. A Sanderling, 17 Dunlin, 18 Curlew, 70 Canada Geese, 45 Shelduck and 420 Black-headed Gulls were see from New Passage. Six Little Egrets were seen from Severn Beach at low tide.
28th July
A cloudy start and sunny later, warm and humid. Sightings from New Passage included 2 Sanderling, 19 Turnstones, 60 Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpipers, a Ringed Plover, 6 Oystercatchers, 10 Curlew, 2 Little Egrets, 220 Black-headed Gulls, 90 Canada Geese and 50 Shelduck. A brief visit to Pilning Wetland produced 9 Lapwing, 110 Redshank, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 120 Canada Geese and 7 Mute Swans. A Common Sandpiper, 2 Whimbrel, 20 Curlew, 8 Oystercatchers, 6 Little Egrets, a Grey Heron, 200+ Black-headed Gulls and 14 Shelduck including 6 ducklings were seen at Severn Beach.
27th July
A cloudy day with sunny spells in a South West breeze. Combined reports from the Pilning Wetland/New Passage area included a Little Ringed Plover, 4 Lapwings, 110 Redshank, 14 Turnstones, 80 Dunlin, 8 Curlew, 5 Oystercatchers, 2 Little Egrets, single Grey Heron and Greylag Goose, 161 Canada Geese, 7 Mute Swans, 50+ Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 200 Black-headed Gulls and 2 Swifts. Another 3 Little Egrets were seen at Severn Beach.
26th July
A dry and sunny start, turning cloudy and then wet by late afternoon. A brief visit to Pilning Wetland produced at least 6 Little Ringed Plover, 15 Lapwing, 3 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 151 Canada Geese and a Yellow Wagtail. Sightings from New Passage included a flock of 8 Little Ringed Plovers heading South West, 111 Dunlin, 12 Turnstones, a Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Curlew, the Greylag Goose, 120+ Canada Geese, 40+ Shelduck and 280+ Black-headed Gulls. A visit to Aust Warth reed bed footpath produced plenty of juvenile Reed Warblers and a Kestrel.
25th July
A sunny day with a gentle breeze. Early morning reports from Aust Cliff/services included a Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Oystercatchers, 2 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Herons, 50 Canada Geese, 35 Shelduck, a Willow Warbler, a Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Swifts and a Kestrel. Another 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a Willow Warbler, 8 Little Egrets, 3 Grey Herons, 2 Shelduck and 38 Canada Geese were seen this morning from Severn Beach. A Sanderling, 4 Turnstones, 11 Black-tailed Godwits, 102 Redshank, 56 Dunlin, a Common Sandpiper, 25 Curlew, 2 Little Egrets, a 1st summer Mediterranean Gull, 100 Black-headed Gulls, 71 Canada Geese, a Greylag Goose, 50+ Shelduck and a Kestrel were seen from New Passage. At least 16 Little Ringed Plovers (including 3 small chicks), a Common Sandpiper, 11 Black-tailed Godwits, 20 Redshank, 35 Lapwings, single Little Egret, Grey Heron, Sparrowhawk and 6 Swifts were seen at Pilning Wetland.
Juvenile Green Woodpecker, Severn Beach 25.7.23
1st summer Mediterranean Gull, New Passage 25.7.23
Sanderling, New Passage 25.7.23
24th July
Cloudy with some early morning rain cooler than average in a North East breeze. Reports from the Pilning Wetland /New Passage area involved 8+ Little Ringed Plovers (2 adults, 4 juveniles and at least 2 freshly hatched chicks), 11 Black-tailed Godwits, 105 Redshank, 50 Lapwing, 40 Oystercatchers, 15 Curlew, a Whimbrel, 50 Dunlin, 2 Little Egrets, a Grey Heron, 31 Canada Geese, 55 Shelduck, 110 Black-headed Gulls and 2 Swifts. Another Whimbrel, 2 Curlew, 40 Oystercatchers and a Grey Heron were seen at Severn Beach this morning.
Little Ringed Plover chicks, Pilning Wetland 24.7.23
23rd July
A cloudy, wet start with a sunny afternoon and moderate strength South West breeze. A mid morning visit to Pilning Wetland Produced 5 Black-tailed Godwits, 4+ Little Ringed Plover, 110 Redshank, 44 Lapwing, single Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Little Egret, 3 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 24 Canada Geese, single Shelduck, Gadwall, Teal and 90 Black-headed Gulls. Thirty Curlew and 70 Black-headed Gulls were reported from Severn Beach. A brief evening visit to the Cake Pill area of Aust Warth produced a Common Sandpiper, Curlew and a feeding flock of 50+ Swifts.
22nd July
A very wet and breezy day. A morning visit to Severn Beach produced a drake Scaup, a Whimbrel, 35 Curlew, 20 Oystercatchers and just one Dunlin. At least 5 Little Ringed Plover (4 juveniles), 2 Ringed Plover, 126 Dunlin (4 juveniles), 47 Lapwing, single Whimbrel, Curlew, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Great White Egret and Little Egret, 3 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 27 Canada Geese, 2 Teal and a Gadwall were seen at Pilning Wetland. Reports from New Passage included 2 Ringed Plover, 70 Dunlin, 50 Oystercatchers, 50 Lapwing, 40 Curlew, 35 Redshank, single Great White Egret and Little Egret, 2 Canada Geese, 50 Shelduck, 60 Black-headed Gulls, a Lesser Whitethroat and dozens of Swifts.
Scaup, Severn Beach 22.7.23
21st July
A cloudy day with a Westerly wind. Early morning reports from Aust Cliff/services included a Willow Warbler and single flyover Crossbill (first for the year) and Tree Pipit. At least 8 Little Ringed Plover, 56 Lapwing, single Common Sandpiper and Whimbrel, 110 Redshank, 2 Green Sandpipers, 2 Dunlin, a Great White Egret, 3 Grey Herons, single Greylag Goose, 30 Canada Geese, 7 Mute Swans, 2 Gadwall, a Teal, 3 Swifts and a Kestrel were seen at Pilning Wetland. Reports from New Passage included 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 30 Curlew, 20 Oystercatchers, 45 Shelduck and 260 Black-headed Gulls. At least 4 Curlew, 20 Oystercatchers single Little Egret, Grey Heron, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk were seen at Severn Beach.
Great White Egret, Pilning Wetland 21.7.23
20th July
A day of sunshine and cloud with a light North West breeze. The only reports today involved the 2 juvenile Wood Sandpipers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, Turnstones, Black-tailed Godwits, Redshank, Oystercatchers, Curlews, Dunlin, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Canada Geese, Shelducks and 2 Sparrowhawk in the Pilning Wetland/New Passage area. Meanwhile, I enjoyed a rare day away from Severnside with a trip to Norfolk to see the first Black-winged Kite for England near Horsey Mill on the Norfolk Broads.
Black-winged Kite, Horsey, Norfolk 20.7.23
19th July
A sunny day. Sightings from Pilning Wetland included the 2 juvenile Wood Sandpipers, 5 Green Sandpipers, 5 Black-tailed Godwits, 9 Little Ringed Plovers (2 juveniles), 110 Redshank, 80 Dunlin, 60 Lapwings, single Great White Egret and Little Egret, 4 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 6 Canada Geese, a Gadwall, 7 Mute Swans, a Sparrowhawk, 2 Ravens, 3 Yellow Wagtails and 2 Swifts. Another 4 Black-tailed Godwits, a Whimbrel, 105 Dunlin, 2 Turnstones, 5 Common Sandpipers, 83 Redshank, 55 Oystercatchers, 20 Curlew, 2 Grey Herons, a Little Egret, 6 Canada Geese, 50 Shelduck and 200 Black-headed Gulls were reported from New Passage.
Wood Sandpiper, Pilning Wetland 19.7.23
Juvenile Little Ringed Plover, Pilning Wetland 19.7.23
18th July
A dry day with some sunshine and a light breeze. Combined reports from Pilning Wetland included 2 juvenile Wood Sandpipers, 2 Green Sandpipers, 6 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 31 Redshank, 36 Dunlin, 70 Lapwings, a Little Egret, 4 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 4 Canada Geese, 7 Mute Swans, 2 Gadwall, 30 Sand Martins, single Yellow Wagtail, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. At least 16 Common Sandpipers, single Sanderling, Turnstone and Whimbrel, 5 Black-tailed Godwits, 20 Redshank, 92 Curlew, 35 Oystercatchers, 101 Dunlin, 4 Little Egrets, 3 Grey Herons, 30 Shelduck and 4 Gadwall were seen from New Passage. Click on the Wood Sandpiper image below for a short Youtube video.
Wood Sandpipers, Pilning Wetland 18.7.23
17th July
A wet and blustery morning becoming dry and sunny all afternoon. A brief visit to Pilning Wetland produced 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper, 34 Lapwing, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 4 Canada Geese and 7 Mute Swans. Nearby, a Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Common Sandpipers, 86 Redshank, 30 Curlew, 29 Oystercatchers, a Grey Heron and 60+ Shelduck were seen from New Passage. Another 40 Dunlin, 6 Oystercatchers and 180 Black-headed Gulls were seen from Severn Beach.
16th July
An unsettled day with cloud, sunshine, heavy rain showers and a gusty West wind. Combined reports from throughout the day at Severn Beach included 2 Storm Petrels, a Fulmar, 3 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 2 first summer), 50+ Dunlin, 2 Whimbrel, a Turnstone, 20 Curlew, 15 Oystercatchers, a Little Egret, a Gadwall, 330+ Black-headed Gulls, 3 Great Black-backed Gulls, 2 Rock Pipits, single Swift, Cetti’s Warbler, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk. Reports from the Pilning Wetland/New Passage area involved 4 Little Ringed Plovers (2 juveniles), 3 Common Sandpiper, 43 Lapwing, 25 Oystercatchers, 50 Curlew, 50+ Dunlin, 50+ Redshank, a Great White Egret, 2 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Herons, 60 Shelduck, the family of 7 Mute Swans, 4 Ravens, 2 Swifts and 15 Sand Martins. Click on the Lesser Black-backed Gull chasing a Storm Petrel image below for a short slow motion Youtube video..
Storm Petrel, Severn Beach 16.7.23
Storm Petrel, Severn Beach 16.7.23
Storm Petrel being chased by a Lesser Black-backed Gull, Severn Beach 16.7.23
Little Ringed Plover, Pilning Wetland 16.7.23
Great White Egret, Pilning Wetland 16.7.23
Grey Heron, Little Egret and Great White Egret, Pilning Wetland 16.7.23
15th July
A mainly cloudy day with sunny spells and torrential showers in a strong South West wind. Combined reports from Severn Beach on the morning and evening high tides included at least 2 Storm Petrels, a pale morph Arctic Skua, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, (1st summer and a 2nd summer, 2 Whimbrel, 46 Dunlin, 30 Curlew, 23 Oystercatchers, 4 Little Egrets, 9 Shelduck (pair with 7 ducklings) and 350 Black-headed Gulls. A brief morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced a Little Ringed Plover, 70 Lapwings, a Little Egret, 2 Grey Herons, 2 Teal, 4 Canada Geese, the family of 7 Mute Swans, a few Swifts and a Kestrel. Another 47 Dunlin, 2 Turnstones, 12 Redshank, 15 Curlew, 5 Oystercatchers, single Common Sandpiper and Little Egret, 50 Shelduck including 47 ducklings (27, 7 & 13), 180 Black-headed Gulls and 16 Swifts.
14th July
A very wet and breezy day. Sightings from New Passage included a Whimbrel, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 60 Dunlin, 16 Oystercatchers, 68 Curlew, a Common Sandpiper, 30+ Shelduck, a 1st summer Mediterranean Gull and 220 Black-headed Gulls. A morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 44 Lapwing, 60 Redshank, single Green Sandpiper, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Gadwall and Tufted Duck, 2 Teal, 40 Black-headed Gulls, 2 Swifts and 30+ Sand Martins. Combined morning and evening visits to the Severn Beach shore produced 6 Black-tailed Godwits, 65 Dunlin, a Whimbrel, 15 Curlew, 5 Oystercatchers, a Grey Heron, 300 Black-headed Gulls and 20 Swifts.
13th July
Another day of sunshine and showers with a moderate strength South West breeze. Combined reports from Severn Beach included a Mediterranean Gull, 12 Dunlin, 6 Oystercatchers, 3 Curlew, 4 Little Egrets, 3 Shelduck, single Grey Heron and Sparrowhawk. Another 3 Mediterranean Gulls (1st summer/2nd calendar year), 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 14 Dunlin, 5 Lapwing, 69 Redshank, 14 Oystercatchers, 8 Curlew, single Little Egret and Grey Heron, 65 Shelduck, 200 Black-headed Gulls and a Kestrel were seen from New Passage. Reports from Pilning Wetland included 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 18 Redshank, 15 Lapwing, a Greylag Goose, 5 Teal, a Tufted Duck, 150 Black-headed Gulls and 2 Yellow Wagtails.
1st summer Mediterranean Gull, New Passage 13.7.23
12th July
Sunshine and short showers with a moderate strength West wind. Sightings from Severn Beach included a Storm Petrel, a lingering summer plumage Black Tern (1st July record), a Little Ringed Plover (flew West/towards the river over the allotments), 6 Oystercatchers, 12 Dunlin, 25 Curlew, 2 Little Egrets, a Grey Heron, 8 Shelduck and a Sparrowhawk. Combined reports from the Pilning Wetland/New Passage area involved 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Dunlin, 50 Lapwing, 57 Redshank, 8 Oystercatchers, 26 Curlew, 3 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 60+ Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 2 Tufted Duck, 280 Black-headed Gulls, Sedge Warblers, single Swift, Lesser Whitethroat and Kestrel.
11th July
A mixture of cloud and sunshine with some brief torrential downpours. An Avocet, 2 Common Sandpipers, 24 Redshank, 30 Curlew, 16 Oystercatchers, 2 Little Egrets, 60+ Shelduck (including 34 ducklings), an adult Mediterranean Gull, a Great Black-backed Gull, 120 Black-headed Gulls and some Sand Martins were seen from New Passage. Pilning Wetland was quiet today with the only sightings of note being a Little Ringed Plover, a Little Egret, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 2 Teal, 3 Tufted Duck (2 ducklings), 2 Swifts, 2 Sedge Warblers and a Hobby. Two Little Egrets and a Sparrowhawk were seen from the sea wall at Severn Beach.
Mediterranean Gull, New Passage 11.7.23
Tufted Duck and duckling, Pilning Wetland 11.7.23
10th July
An increasingly cloudy and wet day. Several visits to Pilning Wetland produced 3 Green Sandpipers, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 12 Black-tailed Godwits, 72 Lapwing, 30 Redshank, a Snipe, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, the family of 7 Mute Swans, 4 Tufted Duck (2 ducklings), 5 Gadwall (4 ducklings), 7 Teal, 3 Swifts, a Lesser Whitethroat and a pair of Roe Deer. Nearby, 2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult and juvenile), 70 Black-headed Gulls, 3 Common Sandpipers, 5 Redshank, 2 Curlew, 5 Oystercatchers and at least 60 Shelduck were seen from New Passage. A Little Egret and a Kestrel were seen at Severn Beach.
9th July
A warm and cloudy day with some torrential thunder showers in the afternoon. An adult Mediterranean Gull, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 3 Common Sandpipers, 8 Curlew, 30 Oystercatchers, 3 Little Egrets, a Grey Heron and 90 Black-headed Gulls were seen from New Passage. At least 3 Little Ringed Plovers, 3 Green Sandpipers, a Snipe, 2 Dunlin, 37 Redshank, 8 Lapwing, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose and a juvenile Stonechat were seen on Pilning Wetland. Another 2 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Herons and 350 Black-headed Gulls were seen from Severn Beach at low tide this morning.
8th July
A humid day with some heavy rain showers. Combined reports from the Pilning Wetland/New Passage area included an impressive 12 Little Ringed Plovers, 5 Green Sandpipers, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 50 Lapwing, 33 Redshank, 4 Dunlin, single Common Sandpiper and Snipe, 12 Curlew, 6 Oystercatchers, a Little Egret, 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, the family of 7 Mute Swans, 60+ Shelduck (3 broods), 80 Mallard, 9 Gadwall (2 broods), a Teal, 3 Tufted Duck, 130 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Swifts, 23 Sand Martins, 5 Yellow Wagtails and a Kestrel. The drake Common Scoter, 8 Shelduck, 50 Curlew, 12 Oystercatchers, single Little Egret and Grey Heron, 60 Black-headed Gulls, 3 Swifts and a Kestrel were seen from Severn Beach.
Common Sandpiper, New Passage 8.7.23
7th July
A hot (27°C) and sunny day. At least 9 Little Ringed Plovers (8 adults plus a juvenile), 3 Green Sandpipers, 2 Dunlin, 28 Redshank, 24 Lapwings, 3 Grey Heron, a Greylag Goose, 10 Gadwall and a Tufted Duck were seen on Pilning Wetland this morning. The drake Common Scoter, 11 Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper, 53 Curlew, 16 Oystercatchers, 4 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Herons, a Pheasant, 80 Black-headed Gulls and a Cetti’s Warbler were reported from Severn Beach.
6th July
A dry day with long sunny spells and still breezy. A morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced 3 Green Sandpipers, 35 Redshank, 6 Lapwings, single Little Ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Little Egret, Grey Heron and Greylag Goose, 2 adult Mute Swans with 5 cygnets, an adult Mediterranean Gull, 60 Black-headed Gulls and a Kestrel. Eleven Oystercatchers, 8 Canada Geese and 60 Black-headed Gulls were seen at Severn Beach this morning.
Mediterranean Gull, Pilning Wetland 6.7.23
5th July
A day of sunshine and showers with a gusty West wind by late afternoon. Combined visits to Pilning Wetland produced 20 Black-tailed Godwits (including a Northern Ireland colour-ringed individual), single Little Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper and Dunlin, 22 Lapwing, 2 Little Egrets (adult with a juvenile) and 2 Grey Herons, a Greylag Goose, 120 Black-headed Gulls, single Swift and Sparrowhawk. Another Little Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper, 3 Redshank, 8 Curlew, 6 Oystercatchers, 50+ Shelduck, 2 Gadwall and 100+ Black-headed Gulls were seen from New Passage. The drake Common Scoter was still present off Severn Beach on the morning high tide.
Juvenile Little Egret, Pilning Wetland 5.7.23
Black-tailed Godwits, Pilning Wetland 5.7.23
Feedback received states the Godwit was ringed as an adult male at Belfast Harbour, Northern Ireland on 21.4.21, then seen at Frodsham Marsh, Cheshire 4.8.21, Bridge Trafford, Cheshire, 6.10.21, then Slimbridge Gloucestershire on 7 dates from July to October 2022, then our sighting at Pilning Wetland followed by a return to Slimbridge into September 2023 and then back to Belfast Harbour in November 2023.
4th July
A cloudy and sometimes wet day. A morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 4 Black-tailed Godwits, 12 Lapwing, a Greylag Goose, 2 Tufted Duck and 130 Black-headed Gulls. Combined morning and evening visits to Seven Beach produced 35 Curlew, 9 Oystercatchers, a drake Common Scoter, 4 Shelduck, 8 Canada Geese, and 90 Black-headed Gulls.
3rd July
A very gusty West wind with some heavy rain showers. A memorable day at Severn Beach with a Cory’s Shearwater (3rd Severnside record), a Storm Petrel, 1000+ Manx Shearwaters (record count), at least 6 Fulmars including a “Blue” morph, a drake Common Scoter, 8 Cormorants, a Whimbrel, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 11 Curlew, 8 Oystercatchers, a Grey Heron, 4 Shelduck and a Kestrel. A morning visit to Pilning Wetland produced a Great White Egret. 2 Grey Herons, a Little Egret, 42 Lapwing, 6 Redshank, single Greylag Goose and Shelduck. Click on Manx Shearwater picture below for a short Youtube video.
Manx Shearwaters, Severn Beach 3.7.23
2nd July
A breezy day with sunny intervals. Combined reports from Severn Beach included a drake Common Scoter, 15 Shelduck, a Fulmar, 4 Curlew, 8 Oystercatchers, 40 Black-headed Gulls and a Lesser Whitethroat. At least one Little Ringed Plover, 20 Lapwings, a Grey Heron, a Greylag Goose, a 100 Black-headed Gulls and a Roe Deer were seen on Pilning Wetland this morning.
Fulmar, Severn Beach 2.7.23
Common Scoter, Severn Beach 2.7.23
1st July
A cloudy start becoming brighter later and a gusty West wind. Combined reports from morning and evening visits to the Severn Beach shore produced a 1st summer Mediterranean Gull, 30 Black-headed Gulls, 53 Curlew, 4 Shelduck, a Sparrowhawk and a Slow Worm. A Little Ringed Plover, 3 Redshank, 45 Lapwings, single Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Teal and Shelduck, the family of 7 Mute Swans and 5 Stock Doves were seen on Pilning Wetland this morning. A Common Sandpiper, 2 Little Ringed Plovers and 20 Shelduck were seen from New Passage.
Little Ringed Plover, New Passage 1.7.23