January is a slightly better month than December, the daylight hours slowly lengthen resulting in a monthly total of 152 species. Like any of the mid winter months it can be good for wildfowl sightings if inland waters freeze, with the chance of Red-breasted Merganser, Goosander and Ruddy Duck or some fly by Bewick’s Swans. Seabirds seen in gales have included Cory’s Shearwater (2004), Storm Petrel, Leach’s Petrel, Little Auk, Red-throated Diver (1991,1993) and Grey Phalarope. Other January birds include; Great Grey Shrike (2004) and Shorelark (2004), Waxwing (1958), two Common Cranes that flew over Severn Beach (2000), two Whooper Swans (2005) and a few rare sightings of Hen Harrier.
January 31st
A Water Rail, 2 Ravens, 4 Stonechats, 4 Rock Pipits, 90 Redshank, 60 Oystercatchers, 60 Shelduck and 17 Gadwall were seen at Chittening Warth this morning. There were 2 Stonechats, another 4 Rock Pipits, 2 Snipe, 200 Dunlin, 16 Ringed Plover, 50 Turnstones and a Knot on the Severn Beach foreshore. A flock of at least 500 Wigeon, 250 Lapwing and 150 Dunlin were seen from New Passage. A flock of 18 Gadwall remained on the Orchard Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained at the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 30th
A high tide visit to the Severn Beach foreshore produced 16 Ringed Plover, 25 Turnstones, 200 Dunlin, 40 Redshank, a Snipe, 25 Oystercatchers, 40 Shelduck, 8 Gadwall, 2 Stonechats and 3 Rock Pipits. There were 3 Yellowhammers, 2 Stonechats, a Snipe, a Little Owl and 150 Wigeon at Aust Warth. Another 300 Dunlin, 300 Lapwing and a Little Egret were seen from New Passage. There were still 18 Gadwall and a Shoveler at the Orchard Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained at the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 29th
The cold spell eventually produced a good bird; a redhead Smew. It was found at Aust Warth, floating down river with a female Goldeneye and later relocated off New Passage. Another drake Goldeneye and 2 Shoveler were also seen from here. There were 13 Grey Plover, 2 Black-tailed Godwits and a Merlin were found on Northwick Warth. A Peregrine was seen at Aust Cliff. A visit to the Orchard Pools produced 17 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and 8 Lesser Redpolls.
January 28th
The cold wind increased in strength resulting in reduced coverage today. There were just 40 Dunlin, 30 Oystercatchers, 20 Shelduck and 300 Lapwings at New Passage this morning. The usual 16 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and a Lesser Redpoll were seen at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach. There were 300 Wigeon, 90 Teal and 2 Snipe at Aust Warth.
January 27th
Another day with a cold wind. Sightings from New Passage included 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 250 Lapwing, 30 Dunlin, 57 Oystercatchers, 18 Shelduck, 4 Common Gulls, 30 Fieldfare and 50 Redwing. There were 16 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers at the Orchard Pools. Another Great Spotted Woodpecker and 2 Stonechats were seen at Aust Warth. Birds seen near the Severn Beach foreshore included 300 Dunlin, at least 60 Shelduck, 5 Ringed Plover, 2 Stonechats and a Rock Pipit. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained at the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 26th
Birds seen from New Passage in an eye watering North West wind included a Black-tailed Godwit, just 20 Dunlin, 55 Oystercatchers, 300 Lapwing, 30 Fieldfare and 40 Redwings. There were 7 Grey Plover, 300 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover and 14 Gadwall at Severn Beach on the afternoon high tide. A Water Rail, 3 Shoveler, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers and the usual 18 Gadwall were present at the Orchard Pools.
January 25th
Another cold day following a night temperature of -4°C. Sightings from the New Passage area included 10 Black-tailed Godwits, 4 Golden Plover, just 130 Dunlin, 250 Lapwing, 2 drake Pintail, 100 Redwing, 40 Fieldfare and a Peregrine. The birds on the Severn Beach foreshore remained much the same with 12 Ringed Plover, 300 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone, 90 Oystercatchers, 100 Redshank, 72 Shelduck, 14 Gadwall and 2 Stonechats. Nearby there were 17 Gadwall on the Orchard Pools and the male Merlin was seen at Aust Warth. The drake Ring-necked Duck reappeared at the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 24th
Sightings from the New Passage area included 80 Dunlin, 300 Lapwing, single Knot, Little Egret, 9 Common Gulls, 70 Fieldfare and 50 Redwing. The Severn Beach foreshore produced 100 Redshank, 60 Turnstone, 95 Oystercatchers, 200 Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover, a Snipe, 60 Shelduck, 13 Gadwall, 2 Stonechats and a Peregrine. The seemingly 18 resident Gadwall were still on the Orchard Pools where a flock of at least 100 Goldfinches were feeding on teasels. A male Merlin was found at Chittening Warth and 4 Lesser Redpolls remained nearby at the Seabank Pools.
January 23rd
A cold day with the usual 17 Ringed Plover, 200 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone, 95 Oystercatchers, 90 Redshank, 62 Shelduck and 10 Gadwall reported from the Severn Beach foreshore. Another 18 Gadwall were seen nearby at the Orchard Pools. The only reports from New Passage involved just 35 Dunlin and the usual Wigeon and Teal flock.
January 22nd
A cold and foggy morning with a few more birds of interest. A visit to the Severn Beach foreshore produced 2 Golden Plover, 150 Dunlin, 60 Redshank, 40 Oystercatchers, 40 Turnstones, 11 Ringed Plover, a Snipe, 60 Shelduck, 2 Pintail, 3 Stonechats and at least 10 Rock Pipits. Little was seen from New Passage other than 11 Black-tailed Godwits and just 60 Dunlin due to an idiot flying only 10 feet above the salt marsh on Northwick Warth on a motorised paraglider. There were 2 Lesser Redpolls at the Seabank Pools.
Rock Pipit and Stonechat, Severn Beach 22.1.6
January 21st
A quiet day despite a lot of searching. The usual 200 Lapwing, 40 Redshank, just 80 Dunlin, 300 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall and 5 Shoveler were seen from New Passage. There were 2 Lesser Redpolls again at the Seabank pools and 3 Yellowhammers were present on Aust Warth.
January 20th
Sightings from New Passage included 105 Redshank, 80 Dunlin, a Little Egret and a Peregrine. There were 20 Turnstones and 40 Oystercatchers on the shore at Severn Beach, nearby the 18 Gadwall remained on the Orchard Pools. A Chiffchaff was found at the Seabank Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 19th
Much of the same today. A thorough search of the Severn Beach foreshore produced at least 4 Stonechats, 6 Rock Pipits, a Grey Wagtail, 60 Shelduck, a Peregrine, 80 Dunlin, 30 Turnstones and 2 fly over Redpolls. A pair of Blackcaps were seen feeding in a Severn Beach garden and 17 Gadwall remained at the Orchard Pools. A Kingfisher was found at Chittening Warth. Sightings from New Passage included 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 100 Dunlin, 42 Redshank, a Snipe, 80 Lapwings, 40 Curlew, 300 Wigeon, 34 Shelduck, another Peregrine and 2 Rock Pipits.
January 18th
Sightings from New Passage included 16 Redshank, 56 Lapwing, 200 Dunlin, 30 Shelduck and at least 500 Wigeon. A visit to the Severn Beach foreshore produced 2 Stonechats, 25 Turnstone, 60 Oystercatchers and 6 Gadwall. Another 17 Gadwall were seen on the Orchard Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck reappeared on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 17th
Sightings from New Passage included a high count of 84 Common Gulls, 250 Dunlin, 15 Redshank, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 44 Shelduck and 500 Wigeon. There were 4 Stonechats, 70 Dunlin, 25 Turnstone and 28 Shelduck on the foreshore at Severn Beach. A flock of 19 Gadwall remained at the Orchard Pools. There were 2 Ravens and 2 Lesser Redpolls at the Seabank Pools.
January 16th
A visit to the Severn Beach foreshore produced 15 Ringed Plover, 24 Shelduck and a Rock Pipit. A Stonechat and 17 Gadwall were seen nearby at the Orchard Pools. A female Goldeneye, 200 Dunlin, 5 Black-tailed Godwits, 52 Common Gulls, 32 Shelduck, 500 Wigeon and a Peregrine were seen from New Passage.
January 15th
Sightings from New Passage included 15 Black-tailed Godwits, 500 Dunlin, 35 Redshank, 90 Lapwing and 4 Shoveler. There were 4 Lesser Redpolls by the car park at the Sea Bank Pools, Chittening Warth. A Jack Snipe was flushed at the Orchard Pools where 17 Gadwall remained. A male Blackcap continued to visit a garden in Severn Beach.
January 14th
The first Severnside record of Rose-ringed Parakeet was found today at Chittening Warth. A Ruff was seen today from New Passage along with 75 Redshank, at least 200 Lapwing, 50 Curlew, 300 Dunlin, 350 Wigeon, 3 Shoveler, a Peregrine and 2 Rock Pipits. The usual 20 Gadwall, a flock of at least 50 Goldfinches and 4 Lesser Redpoll were seen at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach. There were 4 Yellowhammers and a Little Owl at Aust Warth this afternoon.
Goldfinches, Severn Beach 14.1.6
January 13th
It remains quiet. Sightings from New Passage included a Black-tailed Godwit, 50 Oystercatchers, 32 Shelduck, 30 Common Gulls and no Dunlin! There were 4 Stonechats and 28 Shelduck on the Severn Beach foreshore and 16 Gadwall nearby at the Orchard Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 12th
A fine sunny day after a cold night. A thorough search of the Orchard Pools, produced 2 more Woodcock, the usual 20 Gadwall and a pair of Stock Doves. A male Blackcap was seen again in a Severn Beach garden. Sightings from New Passage included 700 Dunlin, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 36 Oystercatchers, at least 300 Wigeon, 30 Shelduck, 10 Common Gulls and a male Merlin. There were 2 Lesser Redpolls at the Sea Bank Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 11th
Still quiet but at least there was some sunshine. Birds seen from New Passage included 45 Oystercatchers, 30 Turnstone, just 40 Dunlin, 120 Lapwing, 4 Shoveler, 30 Shelduck and 12 Common Gulls. A Cetti’s Warbler, 18 Gadwall and a Water Rail were present at Severn Beach. A Peregrine was seen at Aust Warth. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 10th
A quiet and wet day. Sightings from New Passage included 6 Black-tailed Godwits, 54 Oystercatchers, 30 Dunlin, 22 Shelduck, 4 Shoveler and 12 Common Gulls. Birds seen from the sea wall at Severn Beach included 20 Shelduck, just 7 Redshank and 6 Dunlin, 23 Gadwall remained nearby on the Orchard Pools and a Woodcock flew across the coast road from the railway scrub near New Pill late afternoon. A Jack Snipe was seen near Stupp Pill, Chittening Warth.
January 9th
Much of the same today. Things would improve if it ever gets light again! Birds seen from New Passage included at least 500 Lapwing, 2 Golden Plover, 7 Black-tailed Godwits and 22 Common Gulls. A visit to the foreshore at Severn Beach produced 9 Ringed Plover, 50 Turnstone, 70 Oystercatchers, 200 Dunlin, 30 Shelduck and a Shoveler, the 26 Gadwall remained nearby on the Orchard Pools.
January 8th
Very little to report on yet another cold, damp and dark day. The usual Wigeon, Teal, 200 Lapwing and 4 Shoveler were seen from New Passage. There were 16 Ringed Plover, 60 Turnstones, 70 Oystercatchers, 70 Redshank, 300 Dunlin and 30 Shelduck off Severn Beach and 26 Gadwall at the Orchard Pools. Two Lesser Redpolls were seen at the Sea Bank Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 7th
A quiet day despite a thorough search. There were 9 Black-tailed Godwits, at least 400 Wigeon and 5 Shoveler at Aust Warth. Another 4 Shoveler were seen from New Passage along with 200 Lapwing and 12 Common Gulls, a flock of 50 Curlew were feeding in fields here. The usual 18 Gadwall were seen at Severn Beach on the Orchard Pools and 3 Ravens flew North over the beach.
January 6th
The cold grey weather continued. The highlight was a female Goosander seen from New Passage along with many Wigeon and Teal, 200 Dunlin, 200 Lapwing and 5 Black-tailed Godwits. There were 5 Shoveler on the Grebe Pond at Northwick Warth. Birds seen from the Severn Beach sea wall included 17 Ringed Plover, 500 Dunlin, 40 Turnstones and 28 Shelduck. The male Blackcap remained in a garden and 18 Gadwall were still at the Orchard Pools.
Goosander, New Passage 6.1.6
January 5th
A cold day with a North East wind. Reports from New Passage included a male Merlin, a Little Egret, 120 Lapwing, 150 Dunlin, “many” Wigeon, 20 Shelduck and 10 Common Gulls. Birds seen from the sea wall at Severn Beach included an adult Mediterranean Gull, 16 Ringed Plover, 100 Dunlin, 30 Shelduck, 60 Oystercatchers, 50 Turnstones and 40 Redshank. There were 2 Lesser Redpolls at the Sea Bank Pools, Chittening Warth. A flock of 18 Gadwall remained at the Orchard Pools and of interest a Tawny Owl has been heard in the last few days here at about 10 pm.
January 4th
A search of the Severn Beach foreshore produced a Knot, 350 Dunlin, 60 Turnstones, 14 Ringed Plovers, 4 Rock Pipits, 2 Stonechats, 10 Gadwall and 25 Shelduck. A male Blackcap remained in a garden here. There were 8 Black-tailed Godwits, 30 Redshank, at least 300 Wigeon, 3 Yellowhammers (2 males), 3 Stonechats, 10 Reed Buntings and 15 Linnets on Aust Warth. The usual 200 Lapwing, 200 Dunlin and 20 Redshank were seen from New Passage and 2 Snipe and a pair of Shoveler were found on Northwick Warth.
January 3rd
Sightings from New Passage included a Golden Plover, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 250 Lapwing, 1000 Dunlin, 30 Redshank, 2 Rock Pipits, a Grey Wagtail and 6 Common Gulls. There were 11 Ringed Plovers, 60 Dunlin, 40 Turnstone, 28 Shelduck and 2 Stonechats on the Severn Beach foreshore and 7 Gadwall nearby on the Orchard Pools. The drake Ring-necked Duck and at least 3 Chiffchaffs remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
January 2nd
An early morning high tide visit to Severn Beach foreshore produced 500 Dunlin, 30 Shelduck, 2 Snipe, a Peregrine, 4 Rock Pipits, 3 Stonechats and a Water Pipit. There were 3 Blackcaps (2 males & a female) in a Severn Beach garden. A male Merlin, a Little Egret, 20 Grey Plover, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 700 Dunlin, 250 Lapwing, 2 Pintail and 3 Shoveler were seen from New Passage. A Water Rail and a Lesser Redpoll were seen at the Orchard Pools. A Kingfisher and 60 Redshank were found at Chittening Warth and a Peregrine was seen on Aust Warth. The drake Ring-necked Duck remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works along with an adult Mediterranean Gull and at least 9 Chiffchaffs.
Blackcap, Severn Beach 2.1.6
January 1st
The surprise find of a Guillemot off Chittening Warth late this morning was a good start to the year. Other birds present at Chittening Warth included 2 Water Rails, 3 Stonechats, 2 Lesser Redpolls and 2 Chiffchaffs. A damp and cloudy visit to New Passage produced 4 Black-tailed Godwits, a Little Egret, 270 Lapwing, at least 400 Wigeon, 45 Redshank, 700 Dunlin, 20 Shelduck, 2 Ravens and 3 Common Gulls. There were 40 Turnstones, 100 Dunlin and 24 Shelduck on the foreshore at Severn Beach. Nearby there were 12 Gadwall, a Shoveler and 3 Lesser Redpolls at the Orchard Pools and a male Blackcap remained in a Severn Beach garden. A good selection of birds were found “just off” the patch at the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works including the drake Ring-necked Duck, an adult Mediterranean Gull, single Green Sandpiper, Cetti’s Warbler, Firecrest and Chiffchaff.