June is the quietest month on Severnside with a total of only 141 species seen. It is the month to do those decorating jobs at home unless any strong West or South West winds occur. This can produce a good selection of seabirds including Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Fulmar and Storm Petrel. The first parties of young Shelduck appear. June has had some rarities including Franklin’s Gull (1988) and Alpine Swift (1999).
June 2004
June 30th
A quiet end to the month. The only notable sightings were a Little Egret flying inland over Severn Beach at 07.25 this morning and a roosting flock of 90 Curlew on Northwick Warth this evening.
June 29th
A quiet day with small numbers of Black-headed Gulls, Curlew and Oystercatchers. The only new migrant was a Little Grebe at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach.
June 28th
Another bright and breezy day without any new seabirds. There were 70 Curlews, 12 Oystercatchers and a Peregrine at Severn Beach. The pair of Common Scoter remained at Chittening Warth and 5 juvenile Black-headed Gulls were seen at Northwick Warth.
June 27th
A moderate South West wind failed to produce any new seabirds. There were 60 Curlews roosting at Severn Beach and the pair of Common Scoter continued their stay at Chittening Warth. A Kingfisher and 2 young Grey Wagtails were seen in the pill at New Passage.
June 26th
The pair of Common Scoter were still off Chittening Warth. Another indication of early returning migrants involved 5 Common Sandpipers at New Passage with a Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail also seen here. At least 100 Back-headed Gulls were present at Severn Beach including 3 juveniles.
June 25th
There was less of interest today but the pair of Common Scoter remained at Chittening Warth, a juvenile Black-headed Gull was seen here and another 2 at Severn Beach. The first of the returning Teal was seen at the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach. A brood of 10 Shelduck ducklings remained intact on Northwick Warth along with a few Oystercatchers, Curlew and Redshank.
June 24th
Another day with a gusty South West wind produced 2 Storm Petrels, 2 Common Scoter and a Manx Shearwater off Chittening Warth. A little further up the estuary at Severn Beach, single Fulmar and Common Tern were the only seabirds seen.
June 23rd
A morning of blustery showers and strong South West winds produced a reasonable selection of seabirds from Chittening Warth; 80 Manx Shearwaters, 20+ Gannets, 26 Fulmar, 2 Great Skuas, 1 pale phase Arctic Skua, 3 Common Scoters, 3 Kittiwakes, 2 Sandwich Terns and 5 Common Terns. Another Common Tern, a Whimbrel and the escaped Ruddy Shelduck were seen early afternoon at New Passage.
Ruddy Shelduck, New Passage 23.6.4
June 22nd
The escaped Ruddy Shelduck was seen today at Aust where the third brood of Shelduck (8 young) were
also found. There were 4 Redshank at Northwick Warth. A drake Common Scoter was seen off Chittening Warth where at least 50 Curlew were present. There were 4 Common Buzzards soaring over the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach where a Hobby was seen hunting the local House Martins and Dragonflies. The first significant rainfall for several weeks started late afternoon.
June 21st
A similar day to yesterday with the addition of a Ruddy Shelduck (with a red plastic ring on the left leg) with 100+ Shelduck at New Passage.
June 20th
Plenty of breeding success was noted at New Passage with fledged Swallows, Pied Wagtails, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Linnets being seen. A Kingfisher and 2 Redshank were also present here this morning. There was a flock of 48 Curlews at Chittening Warth.
young Swallow, New Passage 20.6.4
June 19th
Too much of the same. The Shelduck brood remained on Northwick Warth and the small numbers of Oystercatchers and Curlew were scattered along the coast.
June 18th
A quieter day today with 18 Oystercatchers, a Redshank and a few Curlew being seen.
June 17th
The moderate strength wind continued this morning, producing a drake Common Scoter and a Fulmar off Chittening Warth. A first summer Mediterranean Gull flew past Severn Beach. There were 27 Curlew on Northwick Warth and a Ruddy Shelduck amongst the large flock of Shelduck here.
June 16th
The brood of 10 young Shelducks remained on Northwick Warth. A moderate west wind produced nothing in a sea watch from Severn Beach over the evening high tide.
June 15th
The Kingfisher was still in the pill at New Passage and a Peregrine flew over Severn Beach.
June 14th
A Kingfisher and 12 Oystercatchers were seen at New Passage this morning. This evening the only birds at the Severn Beach high tide roost were 3 Black-headed Gulls.
June 13th
Finding notable birds remains difficult with just a Whimbrel at Severn Beach this evening. Nothing else other than local breeding birds were seen today. The third species of Orchid this month; Common Spotted Orchid, was a nice distraction.
Bee Orchids, Severn Beach Common Spotted Orchid, Severn Beach
June 12th
There were 6 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin at Severn Beach. The brood of 10 young Shelducks remained intact at Northwick Warth. Some Bee Orchids near Severn Beach were a scarce and fine sight.
June 11th
The quietist day of the year so far with just 5 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin at Severn Beach.
June 10th
Once again the 9 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin remained on Severn Beach. There were 12 Curlews and 6 Oystercatchers at Chittening Warth and another 16 Oystercatchers were seen on Northwick Warth.
June 9th
The same birds today; 9 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin on Severn Beach, the Gadwall brood remained intact at the Orchard Pools. The brood of 10 Shelduck were still at Northwick Warth with 11 Oystercatchers here as well.
June 8th
A very quiet day with just 9 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin on Severn Beach.
June 7th
There were 10 Ringed Plovers and a Dunlin on Severn Beach this morning. A Little Egret flew south past Chittening Warth early afternoon. A Cuckoo was present at New Passage and the second Gadwall brood (11 ducklings) of the year appeared on the Orchard Pools, Severn Beach.
June 6th
Much of the same this morning with 3 Sanderling, 3 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin on Severn Beach. There were 6 Curlew at Chittening Warth. The second Shelduck brood of the year was seen at Northwick Warth with 10 young birds.
June 5th
The morning high tide produced 5 Sanderling with single Dunlin and Ringed Plover at Severn Beach, 9 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin at New Passage. A Southern Marsh Orchid was found growing at Severn Beach.
Sanderling, Severn Beach 5.6.4 Southern Marsh Orchid, Severn Beach
June 4th
There was more evidence of successful breeding on Northwick Warth with 2 “fresh” Little Grebe chicks, several young Reed Warblers and a pair of Reed Buntings carrying food to a nest. A Spotted Flycatcher was seen at New Passage. The evening wader roost at Severn Beach held 8 Sanderling, 6 Ringed Plovers, 3 Dunlin and 2 Curlews.
Little Grebe chicks, Northwick Warth 4.6.4
June 3rd
The first Shelduck brood of the year was seen at Northwick Warth. There were 4 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plovers on Severn Beach this evening.
June 2nd
The only birds worth a mention today were 2 Turnstones and 22 Oystercatchers at Northwick Warth, 9 Curlew at Chittening Warth. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard singing again.
June 1st
The light passage of waders continues; there were 15 Sanderling with 2 Dunlin at Chittening Warth, another 5 Sanderling were with 6 Ringed Plovers and 10 Dunlin at Severn Beach. A Grey Seal was an unusual sight off Northwick Warth.