Following two of the quietest months of the year, August can be an interesting month with a total of 166 species having been recorded during this month. The numbers and variety of waders increase, as do the numbers of migrating warblers, Whinchat and Wheatears. Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls are expected. Rarities in August have included Slavonian Grebe (1996), Red Crested Pochard (1998), Goshawk, Osprey, Sabine’s Gull, Kentish Plover, White-rumped Sandpiper (1995, 2001), Wryneck (1976,1984 and 2003) and Red-backed Shrike (2003).
August 31st
Another warm day with an afternoon thunderstorm. Reports this morning from New Passage included 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, a Little Stint, at least 210 Knot, 45 Redshank, 2 Common Sandpipers, single Kingfisher and Yellow Wagtail. A Wheatear was seen on Northwick Warth and a Little Egret was found at Aust Warth. The evening high tide roost at Severn Beach produced single adult and juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, 7 Knot, 360 Dunlin, 170 Ringed Plover, 2 Sanderling, single Whimbrel and a Wheatear. The drake Ring-necked Duck was still on the Avonmouth Sewage Works square pool.
August 30th
A foggy start leading to a hot (28°C) and humid day. Reports from New Passage today included a first winter Mediterranean Gull, 174 Knot, 72 Redshank, 50 Turnstone and a Kingfisher. A Little Egret was seen on Northwick Warth. The afternoon high tide at Severn Beach produced a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 150 Dunlin, 150 Ringed Plover, single Little Egret and Knot. Other migrants reported here this morning included a Common Redstart and a Yellow Wagtail. The drake Ring-necked Duck was present again on the Avonmouth Sewage Works square pool.

Little Egret, Severn Beach 30.8.5
August 29th
A large group of 110 Knot remained at New Passage this morning where a Green Sandpiper, 6 Sanderlimg and 3 Lesser Whitethroats were also seen. A Wheatear and 2 Whimbrel were seen on Northwick Warth. Single Curlew Sandpiper, Knot and Sanderling were found amongst the mixed flock of at least 500 Dunlin and Ringed Plover at Severn Beach.
August 28th
A warm dry day. Birds seen from New Passage included a Common Tern, a large flock of 115 Knot, 35 Redshank, 2 Whimbrel, 60 Turnstone and a Kingfisher. Another 3 Whimbrel and 3 Lesser Whitethroats were seen at Northwick Warth. Single Little Egret, Yellow Wagtail and Wheatear were found at Aust Warth. Waders seen between Severn Beach and Chittening Warth included another 48 Knot, 50 Turnstone with a mixed flock of 500 Dunlin and Ringed Plover. A Grey Seal was seen from New Passage and the drake Ring-necked Duck was found again on the Avonmouth Sewage Works square pool.
August 27th
An adult Mediterranean Gull, 36 Knot, 35 Redshank, 50 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone and a Yellow Wagtail were seen at New Passage. At least 2 Common Redstarts, 2 Lesser Whitethroats and 4 Whimbrel remained on Northwick Warth. Birds seen at Severn Beach included 260 Ringed Plover, 250 Dunlin, 17 Knot, 4 Sanderling, 15 Turnstone and 2 Lesser Whitethroats.
August 26th
A bright and breezy day with some interesting birds reported. The wader roost at Severn Beach produced a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 8 Knot, 5 Sanderling, 12 Turnstone, at least 200 Ringed Plover and 200 Dunlin. Other migrants here included an early Jack Snipe, single Lesser Whitethroat and Wheatear. Birds seen at Northwick Warth included 50 Teal, 7 Whimbrel, 4 Knot, 70 Turnstone, 33 Redshank, 3 Common Redstarts, 4 Lesser Whitethroats and a Wheatear.

Common Redstart, Northwick Warth 26.8.5
August 25th
An adult Mediterranean Gull, 12 Whimbrel, 3 Knot, 39 Redshank, a female Common Redstart, 3 Yellow Wagtails and a Wheatear were reported at Northwick Warth. A Garden Warbler and 3 Lesser Whitethroats were seen at New Passage. There were 180 Ringed Plover, 150 Dunlin, a Whimbrel and a Yellow Wagtail at Severn Beach.
August 24th
A wet and breezy morning. A first winter Mediterranean Gull and a Black Tern were reported from Severn Beach where 190 Ringed Plover, 130 Dunlin, 75 Turnstone, 2 Whimbrel, single Knot and Sanderling were also seen. Another 4 Knot, 39 Redshank, 7 Whimbrel, a Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Yellow Wagtails and a Wheatear were present on Northwick Warth. A Common Tern was seen at New Passage.
August 23rd
A fine dry day. Birds at Severn Beach included a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, 160 Ringed Plover, 150 Dunlin, single Whimbrel, Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit and Greenshank. The railway scrub here produced another male Common Redstart, 14 Common Whitethroats, 10 Blackcaps, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, single Grey Wagtail, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher and Garden Warbler. A large flock of 190 Curlew roosted at Chittening Warth. Birds reported from Northwick Warth included 15 Yellow Wagtails, 18 Pied Wagtails, 40 Teal, 4 Wigeon, 7 Whimbrel, 100 Curlew, 38 Redshank, 6 Oystercatchers, 60 Turnstone, a Snipe and a Black-tailed Godwit.

Dunlin, Knot and Ringed Plovers, Severn Beach 23.8.5
August 22nd
A wet morning following overnight rain. A visit to Severn Beach on the falling tide, produced a distant juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 150 Ringed Plover, 60 Dunlin and a Common Sandpiper. The railway scrub contained another fall of migrants including a male Common Redstart, 22 Blackcaps, 12 Common Whitethroats, 5 Lesser Whitethroats and a Garden Warbler. Birds reported from New Passage included 7 Swifts, 80 Turnstone, 33 Redshank, 4 Knot, 20 Teal, single Wigeon and Kingfisher. There were 4 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Wheatears, 7 Whimbrel and 2 Lesser Whitethroats present nearby on Northwick Warth.
juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, Severn Beach 22.8.5
August 21st
A fine bright morning with plenty of migrants. The railway scrub at Severn Beach produced single female Common Redstart, Tree Pipit, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, at least 20 Blackcaps, 10 Common Whitethroats, 3 Garden Warblers and 20 Dunnocks. The morning wader roost here held 140 Ringed Plover, 140 Dunlin and a Whimbrel. Birds seen at Northwick Warth included another 2 Common Redstarts, 3 Tree Pipits, 6 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Wheatears, 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Sedge Warblers, 4 Whimbrel, 80 Turnstone and a Common Sandpiper. A Ruff was seen with 15 Redshank at New Passage mid afternoon and a Kingfisher was present in the pill here.
August 20th
Waders seen at Severn Beach today included 160 Ringed Plover, 140 Dunlin, a Knot, 4 Whimbrel and 140 Curlew. Other sightings here included 2 Yellow Wagtails, single Peregrine, Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat. The adult Mediterranean Gull was seen again on Northwick Warth along with 3 Whimbrel, 33 Redshank, 70 Turnstone, a juvenile Common Gull, 5 Wheatears, 2 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Hobbies, single Common Sandpiper and drake Wigeon.
August 19th
A brief spell of rain before dawn resulted in a few more migrants being found this morning. A Whinchat, at least 13 Wheatears and 4 Lesser Whitethroats were seen from New Passage along with, 70 Turnstones, 14 Redshank, 2 Kingfishers, single Wigeon, Common Sandpiper and Whimbrel. A fall of Warblers occurered along the Severn Way footpath south of Severn Beach including at least 20 Blackcaps, 4 Common Whitethroats and 3 Garden Warblers. The evening wader roost at Severn Beach held 150 Ringed Plover, 140 Dunlin and 2 Knot.

Whinchat and Wheatear, New Passage 19.8.5
August 18th
Birds reported this morning from Severn Beach included 150 Dunlin, 120 Ringed Plover and 2 Whimbrel. A Little Egret, 80 Turnstone, 12 Teal, single Wigeon, Kingfisher, Yellow Wagtail and Wheatear were seen from New Passage.
August 17th
Sightings this morning included a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 80 Turnstones, 30 Redshank, 18 Teal single Wigeon, Kingfisher and Spotted Flycatcher at New Passage. The evening wader roost at Severn Beach produced a very flighty flock of waders containing an adult Curlew Sandpiper, at least 360 Ringed Plover and 120 Dunlin. A party of 6 Whimbrel were seen here this morning and at least 6 Common Whitethroats and 2 Lesser Whitethroats were found along the Severn Way footpath, south of Severn Beach.
August 16th
The weather remained the same with a small increase in the number of birds reported. A mobile mixed flock of at least 340 Dunlin and Ringed Plover, a Knot and 3 Redshank were seen at Severn Beach. Other birds here included 2 Teal, 10 Common Whitethroats, 6 Blackcaps, single Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow Wagtail and Swift. New Passage produced 7 Teal, a drake Wigeon, 35 Redshank, 30 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone, single Knot, Green Sandpiper and a Spotted Flycatcher.
August 15th
A warm and sunny day with some interesting birds reported. A Greenshank and 3 Whimbrel were seen off Northwick Warth where 2 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Wheatears and 30 Pied Wagtails were present around the cattle. The usual 50 Turnstone, 25 Redshank, 2 Teal, single Common Sandpiper and Wigeon were present at New Passage. A visit to Severn Beach produced a Little Egret, 150 Dunlin and 120 Ringed Plover. A Clouded Yellow butterfly was seen at Severn Beach.
August 14th
Sightings from New Passage this morning included 6 Common Terns flying down river, 5 Whimbrel, single Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, Hobby, 2 Grey Wagtails, 7 Lesser Whitethroats and 2 Common Whitethroats. Waders seen at Severn Beach included 110 Ringed Plover, 150 Dunlin and a Whimbrel. A flock of 140 Curlew were seen roosting off Chittening Warth. A visit 20 miles north to Slimbridge WWT produced a good selection of waders including Green Sandpipers, Ruff, Spotted Redshanks and many Black-tailed Godwits. With the very high tides (14.3 metre) in a weeks time hopefully we will get a better selection on Severnside......

Green Sandpiper, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire 14.8.5
August 13th
The adult Mediterranean Gull was seen again from New Passage along with an adult Arctic Tern, 30 Redshank, 50 Turnstone, 40 Dunlin, single Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, Teal and Wigeon, 2 Kingfishers, 2 Wheatears, 30 Pied Wagtails and a Hobby. An early visit to the railway scrub south of Severn Beach produced at least 10 Blackcaps, 2 Common Whitethroats and a Garden Warbler. The wader roost here held 150 Ringed Plover and 100 Dunlin.
Mediterranean Gull, New Passage 13.8.5
August 12th
The dry settled weather continued but produced a few migrants of interest today. A Crossbill flew North East from New Passage early morning where other birds included an adult Mediterranean Gull, 50 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone, 25 Redshank, 2 Teal, 5 Wheatears, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Common Whitethroats and a Garden Warbler. The high tide roost at Severn Beach held 150 Ringed Plover and 120 Dunlin, a Peregrine was seen near the Second Severn Crossing.
Ringed Plovers, Severn Beach 12.8.5
August 11th
Another warm, sunny, uneventful day. Birds reported today included 130 Dunlin and 80 Ringed Plover on Severn Beach. Another 40 Dunlin, 32 Redshank, a Common Sandpiper, a drake Wigeon, 3 Wheatears and 2 Kingfishers were seen from New Passage.
August 10th
An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen at New Passage along with 60 Turnstone, 60 Dunlin, 25 Redshank, 4 Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper, 3 Wheatears, single Hobby and Tree Pipit. The Severn Beach wader roost contained another 70 Ringed Plover, 80 Dunlin, a Greenshank and a Whimbrel. There were 2 Kingfishers, a Common Sandpiper and at least 8 Blackcaps at the Orchard Pools in Severn Beach
August 9th
Another sunny day with a trickle of new migrants reported. Birds seen at New Passage included 50 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone, 32 Redshank, 8 Whimbrel, single Common Sandpiper and Grey Plover, 6 Blackcaps, 3 Lesser Whitethroats, single Spotted Flycatcher, Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler, Redpoll, and Kingfisher. Three Wheatears were seen on Northwick Warth. There were 65 Ringed Plover and 55 Dunlin in the Severn Beach high tide roost this morning.
August 8th
A warm and settled day with few birds reported. The morning wader roost at Severn Beach held 44 Ringed Plover and 32 Dunlin, a Garden Warbler was seen near the railway station again. There were at least 60 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone and a Common Sandpiper at New Passage. A Wheatear, drake Wigeon and a Teal remained at Northwick Warth. A Clouded Yellow butterfly was seen at New Passage.
August 7th
A party of 4 Crossbills, including at least one male, flew North East over New Passage this morning. Other birds seen from here today included an adult Mediterranean Gull, 3 Common Sandpipers, single Hobby, Peregrine, Green Sandpiper and Kingfisher. There were at least 70 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone, 4 Whimbrel, a Black-tailed Godwit, 40 Pied Wagtails and a Wheatear on Northwick Warth. There were just 5 Dunlin and 10 Ringed Plover on Severn Beach and a Raven flew over here. A Grey Seal was seen from New Passage early afternoon.
August 6th
New Passage produced 2 Common Sandpipers, single Hobby and Kingfisher. There were 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 70 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone and 20 Redshank off Northwick Warth and a visit to to the Grebe pond here produced a Green Sandpiper, 5 Sedge Warblers, 2 Reed Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat, 12 Coot (including 2 fresh young) and a Teal. Another Lesser Whitethroat and a Garden Warbler were seen near the railway station at Severn Beach with just 40 Dunlin and 35 Ringed Plover on the shore here.
August 5th
Reports today included 45 Ringed Plover and 100 Dunlin on Severn Beach, a Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Common Sandpipers, 75 Dunlin, 50 Turnstones, single Green Sandpiper, Lesser Whitethroat and Yellow Wagtail at New Passage. Birds seen on Northwick Warth included 9 Kestrels, 12 Redshank, another Lesser Whitethroat, single Wigeon and Teal.
August 4th
A quiet day with fewer birds reported. The morning wader roost at Severn Beach contained just 30 Ringed Plover, 90 Dunlin and a Whimbrel. Birds seen from New Passage included a drake Wigeon, 70 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone, 16 Redshank, 2 Common Sandpipers, a Kingfisher and 3 Garden Warblers. There were 6 Whimbrel with 70 Curlew on Northwick Warth.

Turnstone, New Passage 4.8.5
August 3rd
A Pied Flycatcher was a surprise find at New Passage where other migrants included 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Garden Warblers, 5 Willow Warblers several Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps. Other birds seen from here included an adult Mediterranean Gull, 75 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone, 13 Redshank, 2 Common Sandpipers, single Whimbrel, Green Sandpiper, Kingfisher and Peregrine. The morning wader roost at Severn Beach produced 50 Ringed Plover and 80 Dunlin.
August 2nd
There were 50 Ringed Plovers and 80 Dunlin on the evening high tide at Severn Beach. Additional waders seen from New Passage included 4 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Common Sandpipers, 80 Dunlin, 50 Turnstone, 8 Redshank, 150 Curlew and 6 Whimbrel. Other migrants at New Passage included 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Garden Warblers single Tree Pipit and Wheatear.
August 1st
Birds at New Passage included 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Whimbrel, 50 Turnstone, 15 Redshank, 100 Curlew, 14 Oystercatchers, 100 Dunlin, 3 Common Sandpipers, single Green Sandpiper, Kingfisher and Hobby. Additional migrants on Northwick Warth included another 10 Whimbrel, 2 Wheatears, 30 Pied Wagtails, a selection of Warblers including 2 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs, single Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat.