June is the quietest month on Severnside with a total of only 145 species seen. It is the month to do those decorating jobs at home unless any strong West or South West winds occur. This weather can produce a good selection of seabirds including Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Fulmar and Storm Petrel. The first parties of young Shelduck appear. June has had some rarities including Franklin’s Gull (1988) and Alpine Swift (1999).
June 30th
A hot but quiet end to the month. Sightings from Northwick Warth included 7 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, single Oystercatcher and Redshank, 60 Black-headed Gulls, the usual Shelducks and hyrbrid. The drake Ring-necked Duck and a female Goldeneye remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
June 29th
There were 130 Shelduck and the hybrid, 15 Curlew, 2 Lapwing and a Sand Martin at Northwick Warth. A Peregrine, 3 juvenile Black-headed Gulls and a Great Black-backed Gull were seen at Severn Beach.
June 28th
Sightings from Northwick Warth included 5 Ravens, 30 Curlew, 6 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 2 Great Black-backed Gulls, at least 60 Black-headed Gulls, 100 plus Shelduck and the hybrid Shelduck, a Wigeon and 3 Grey Wagtails. A visit to Severn Beach produced 3 Common Sandpipers, 50 Curlew and a Dunlin. Another 2 Common Sandpipers were seen at New Passage this evening.
Common Sandpiper, New Passage 28.6.6
June 27th
More of the same today in drier weather. At least 100 Black-headed Gulls including 4 juveniles and a Great Black-backed Gull were seen at Severn Beach. There were 50 Curlew, at least 40 Black-headed Gulls (including 8 juveniles), at least 100 Shelduck with the hybrid, single Oystercatcher and Lapwing on Northwick Warth. The drake Ring-necked Duck and a female Goldeneye remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works along with 2 Ruddy Ducks.
June 26th
The first wet day for a while produced very little. There were 44 Black-headed Gulls (including 2 juveniles) and 2 Curlew at Severn Beach. Another 13 Curlew and 16 Black-headed Gulls (including 2 juveniles) were present on Northwick Warth.
June 25th
The first June record of Cetti’s Warbler was found today in Severn Beach where other sightings included a few family parties of Whitethroats, a juvenile Lesser Whitethroat, 25 Black-headed Gulls, a Dunlin and 30 Curlew. Another 16 Curlew, 8 Black-headed Gulls, 3 Lapwing, 100 Shelduck plus the hybrid were seen on Northwick Warth.
June 24th
A warm and settled day. A few more early returning birds were found today including a Little Egret, 30 Black-headed Gulls, 12 Curlew and a Dunlin at Severn Beach. Another 8 Curlew the usual Shelduck flock and a Sand Martin were seen at Northwick Warth. The drake Ring-necked Duck and a female Goldeneye remained on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

Little Egret, Severn Beach 24.6.6
June 23rd
There were 122 Shelduck plus 4 young birds and the hybrid at Northwick Warth. Signs of returning migrants included 2 Sand Martins here and 2 Redshank at Severn Beach.
June 22nd
A sea watch at Severn Beach this evening produced a Storm Petrel flying along the grassed area on top of the sea defences and a single Common Scoter on the river. Other sightings here included a Hobby and 14 Curlew. Northwick Warth produced the same old birds; 100 Shelduck plus the hybrid, single Curlew and Oystercatcher.
June 21st
A moderate strength West wind produced 3 sub adult Gannets off Severn Beach this afternoon and 2 Fulmars this evening. The only other sighting from here involved 13 Curlew. The usual 100 Shelduck, hybrid duck, single Curlew and Oystercatcher were seen at Northwick Warth.
June 20th
A visit to New Passage produced the hybrid Shelduck, a juvenile and adult Black-headed Gulls and six juvenile local Swallows. There were 2 Dunlin, another juvenile Black headed Gull and an adult Great Black-backed Gull at Severn Beach where 2 Common Spotted Orchids were found.
June 19th
There were the usual 100 Shelduck, 3 Curlew, a Lapwing, 4 Black-headed Gulls and the hybrid duck on Northwick Warth. A Barnacle Goose was seen with 11 Canada Geese off Severn Beach where 2 Curlew were also present.
June 18th
Two Greylag Geese flew East over New Passage where a Little Egret and the hybrid Shelduck were also seen. A Curlew was the only bird of note at Severn Beach where 4 Bee Orchids and 2 Pyramidal Orchids were found. The drake Ring-necked Duck was seen on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.

Bee Orchid & Pyramidal Orchids, Severn Beach 18.6.6
June 17th
A sunny and hot day with the temperature above 28°C. The hybrid duck was seen from New Passage this morning, where at least 100 Shelduck, a Lapwing, 7 Black-headed Gulls and 2 migrant Sand Martins were also seen. There were 8 Black-headed Gulls including the first juvenile of the year at Severn Beach where other sightings included single Grey Plover, Peregrine and Sand Martin.
juvenile Black-headed Gull, Severn Beach 17.6.6
hybrid Shelduck, New Passage 17.6.6
June 16th
The Shelduck hybrid was seen again with Shelduck, 3 Gadwall and a Lapwing on Northwick Warth.
June 15th
A visit to Severn Beach produced 9 Curlew, an Oystercatcher, 5 Black-headed Gulls and 2 Peregrines roosting on the Second Severn Crossing. Two Lesser Whitethroats were seen at New Passage. Another 3 Curlew and a Lapwing were seen on Northwick Warth where a Shelduck hybrid joined the 100 plus normal birds.
June 14th
Just 2 Ringed Plover, 3 Curlew and 2 Black-headed Gulls were reported from Severn Beach.
June 13th
A very quiet day with the usual Shelduck flock on Northwick Warth with 3 Gadwall, 3 Curlew and a Lapwing. The only notable birds seen at the beach this morning were 2 Black-headed Gulls. A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was found sunning on the wall of my house in Severn Beach this evening.
June 12th
The usual 100 plus Shelduck, 3 Curlew, 3 Lapwings and single Oystercatcher were seen on Northwick Warth where 5 juvenile Pied Wagtails were also found.
June 11th
The Curlew Sandpiper remained on Severn Beach this morning with just 3 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover and 7 Black-headed Gulls. The large Shelduck flock, single Oystercatcher and Lapwing were the only birds reported from Northwick Warth
June 10th
The morning high tide at Severn Beach produced 24 Black-headed Gulls, 2 Sanderling, 4 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. The usual Shelduck flock, 2 Curlew, 2 Lapwing and 2 Gadwall remained on Northwick Warth. The evening high tide produced an adult Curlew Sandpiper at Severn Beach. Two Painted Lady butterflies were seen at Severn Beach.

Curlew Sandpiper, Severn Beach 10.6.6
June 9th
Two Spotted Flycatchers were seen again at New Passage and the usual 100 plus Shelduck, 2 Oystercatchers, 2 Lapwing and single Curlew were seen on Northwick Warth. The evening high tide at Severn Beach produced 3 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Grey Plover, 5 Sanderling, 2 Ringed Plover, single Dunlin and Redshank.
June 8th
A Barnacle Goose flew over New Passage this evening and settled briefly with the 100 plus Shelduck on Northwick Warth. Other birds seen here included 2 first summer Common Gulls, 2 Gadwall, 2 Lapwing, single Curlew and Oystercatcher.
Barnacle Goose, Northwick Warth 8.6.6
June 7th
Two Spotted Flycatchers were seen in the Pines at New Passage and a Roe Deer was a rare find here. Sightings from Northwick Warth included 100 plus Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 2 Lapwings, single Curlew and Oystercatcher. Just outside the recording area, the drake Ring-necked Duck and a female Goldeneye were seen on the square roadside pool near Avonmouth Sewage Works.
June 6th
The dry weather continues with the temperature reaching 26°C. No rarities were seen today with just the usual 112 Shelduck, 3 Gadwall, 7 Black-headed Gulls, 5 Curlew, 3 Ringed Plover, single Lapwing, Oystercatcher and Lesser Whitethroat being seen in the Northwick Warth area.
June 5th
The best find was the second Severnside record of Red Kite over Northwick Warth. It was found at 10.45 and it was watched slowly drifting off East over the rifle range. Other sightings here included 108 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 2 Shoveler, a drake Teal and 5 Oystercatchers. The neap (9.6 metre) tide produced just 3 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plover at Severn Beach.

Red Kite, Northwick Warth 5.6.6
June 4th
Another hot day. The usual flock of at least 100 Shelduck were seen from New Passage where just 4 Oystercatchers, single Curlew, Redshank and Lesser Whitethroat were also seen. A selection of breeding birds were seen at Severn Beach including Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler and some Blackcaps feeding young, A Southern Marsh Orchid was found in the usual location.
Blackcaps, Severn Beach 4.6.6
June 3rd
A Peregrine was seen at Severn Beach and there were still at least 100 Shelduck, 2 Curlew and 2 Lapwings on Northwick Warth. A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was seen at New Passage.
June 2nd
A fine warm and settled day but very few notable birds were reported. Sightings from Northwick Warth included 120 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 5 Oystercatchers, a Curlew, 2 Dunlin and a Lesser Whitethroat feeding young.
June 1st
The quietest day for a long time with just 3 Dunlin and 80 Shelduck reported from Northwick Warth.